Lesson 5. Bootcamp - Core Reinforcement I Flashcards
I have to leave my house early
Yo tengo que salir de mi casa temprano
I have always had to live in the same city
Yo he tenido que vivir siempre en la misma ciudad
You have to know many things
Tú tienes que saber muchas cosas
Have you had to study a lot for the test?
¿Tú has tenido que estudiar mucho para el examen?
He has to set a good example
Él tiene que dar un buen ejemplo
He has had to talk to his teacher about it
Él ha tenido que hablar con su profesor sobre eso
She has to pay for the book first
Ella tiene que pagar el libro primero
She has had to work a lot to live alone
Ella ha tenido que trabajar mucho para vivir sola
They have to understand English
Ellos tienen que entender el inglés
They have had to know how to fix the car
Ellos han tenido que saber cómo arreglar el carro
We have to pay the rent
Nosotros tenemos que pagar el alquiler
We have had to understand his problem
Nosotros hemos tenido que entender su problema
Don’t you have to read this book?
¿Ustedes no tienen que leer este libro?
You have had to watch a lot of fights
Ustedes han tenido que ver muchas peleas
I’m going to have to talk to your sister
Yo voy a tener que hablar con tu hermana
You are going to have to eat more salad
Tú vas a tener que comer más ensalada
Is he going to have to go out now?
¿Él va a tener que salir ahora?
She’s going to have to walk to work.
Ella va a tener que caminar para ir al trabajo
They are going to have to stop watching television
Ellos van a tener que dejar de ver televisión
We are going to have to watch that movie
Nosotros vamos a tener que ver esa película
You are going to have to pay a lot of money
Ustedes van a tener que pagar mucho dinero