Lesson 14. Bootcamp - Core Reinforcement I Flashcards
There is a gift at the entrance of the house with a letter
Hay un regalo en la entrada de la casa con una carta
Are there restaurants open at this time?
¿Hay restaurantes abiertos a esta hora?
Is there medicine to cure this man?
¿Hay medicina para curar a este señor?
There is milk in the fridge to make breakfast
Hay leche en la nevera para preparar el desayuno
You have to think about the best solution for this problem
Hay que pensar cuál es la mejor solución para este problema
There is no need to ask if we do not want to know the answer
No hay que preguntar si no queremos saber la respuesta
The library doors are to be opened at 6 a.m
Hay que abrir las puertas de la biblioteca a las 6 a. m.
It is necessary to eat fish at least once a week
Hay que comer pescado al menos una vez por semana
There was a fire in the early morning near the church
Hubo un incendio en la madrugada cerca de la iglesia
There was an earthquake in Mexico last Tuesday
Hubo un temblor en México el martes pasado
There was no one at the school yesterday
No hubo nadie en la escuela ayer
There was a party at your house last weekend
Hubo una fiesta en tu casa el fin de semana pasado
We had to travel yesterday because I had an important meeting today
Hubo que viajar ayer porque hoy tenía una reunión importante
We needed to think things through before making a decision
Hubo que pensar bien antes de toma una decisión
We had to accept the deal the lawyers offered us
Hubo que aceptar el trato que ofrecieron los abogados
We had to work on Saturday because the boss requested it
Hubo que trabajar el sábado porque el jefe lo pidió