Lesson 5 Flashcards
Refugees and Migrants
1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees Article 33(1) and (2)
Prohibition of Refoulement
Rule: Refugees cannot be expelled or returned to territories where their life or freedom is at risk due to race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion.
Exception: This protection does not apply to refugees who pose a security threat or have been convicted of a serious crime.
ICCPR Article 6
Every human has right to life.
ICCPR Article 7
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
ICCPR Article 10
Humane Treatment: All detainees must be treated with humanity and respect for their dignity.
Legal provision
A specific section, clause, or statement in a law, statute, or regulation that establishes a rule or requirement.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea art. 98
The duty to render assistance in maritime situation
International Maritime Organization (IMO), Guidelines on the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea Resolution MSC 167(78)
- Duty to Assist Individuals in Distress
- Duty to Respond to Collisions
- Duty to Coordinate Search and Rescue (SAR)
Securitization model
Copenhagen School
1. Non politcized
2. Politicizec
3. Securitized
Ralf Emmers
Copenhagen School five security sectors
- Economic
- Environmental
- Military
- Political
- Societal
Ralf Emmers
Non politcized
The state does not cope with the issue
The issue is not included in te public debate
Ralf Emmers
The issue is managed within the political system.
Requires government decisions and allocation of resources.
Ralf Emmers
The issue is framed as a security question thorugh the act of securitization.
The securitizing actor frames the already politicized issue as an existential threat to a referent object.
Art. 4 ICCPR: This article permits states to take measures that would otherwise violate certain obligations under the ICCPRm, as long as:
- Public emergency threatening the life of the nation.
- The measures are strictly necessary and proportionate to address the emergency.
- The measures are temporary and subject to review.
- The measures are not discriminatory.
- Certain rights (like the right to life and prohibition of torture) cannot be derogated under any circumstances.
Ralf Emmers
Succesful securitization
- Audience is convinced of the threat to the referent object (State securit, human security, environmental security)
Ralf Emmers
Referent oject
The objet’s safety that is threatened.
Human security (population, covid)
State security (External invasion of the state, or internal rebellion)
Environmental security (threatened by climate changes)
Ralf Emmers
Securitizing actor
The individual, group, or state that frames an issue as an existential threat.
Prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
Ralf Emmers
The target group that the securitizing actor attempts to persuade.
Ralf Emmers