Lesson 5 Flashcards
noun + に慣れる
to be used to something
noun + において・における
in relation to; regarding; at (place)
verb/noun+ に従って
according to; therefore; in accordance with
+ にしても
verb (casual)
い adjective
な adjective/noun + である
even if; even though; regardless of
verb/noun + にしては
considering it’s (someone/something)
noun + に対して
regarding; towards
noun + にとって
to; for; concerning; as far as ___ is concerned
noun + について
regarding; about; on
verb (casual) + につれて
noun + につれ
as ___ then ___; in proportion to
verb (dictionary form) + には
for the purpose of; in order to
noun + によると・によれば
according to ____
noun + によって・により・による
by means of; due to; owing to; because of
ask a question in a polite way
noun + を中心に
focused on; centered on
noun + をはじめ・をはじめとする
for example; starting with
noun + を込めて
filled with; full of
noun + を通じて
through; via; by
thanks to; owing to; because of
verb (stem form) + っぱなし
leaving (something) on; leaving still in use
noun + さえ
even; so much as; not even