Lesson 4 Flashcards
Noun + 向け
intended for; aimed at
Noun + 向き
suitable for
むしろ + [phrase]
rather; instead; better
もしかしたら + phrase + かもしれない
perhaps; maybe; perchance; by any chance
もしも ~たら
if; in the case; supposing
+ ながらも
verb (stem form)
verb (て form) + い
な adjective
い adjective
but; although; despite
~ない ことはない
it is not impossible that ____
~ない と
if you don’t; must do; unless
なかなか + noun/adjective/verb
quite; pretty; rather; just not
Noun + なんか・なんて・など
used when giving examples; shows modesty; makes light of ___
verb (stem form) + 直す
to do something again; to do something over
なるべく + [action]
as much as possible
result + なぜなら + reason
because; the reason is; if you want to know why
verb (casual)
noun + な
い adjective
な adjective
I hear that; I heard that
+ に違いない
verb (casual)
I’m sure/certain; no doubt that
noun + に反して
against; contrary to; in contrast to
noun + かけて(は/も)
over (a period); through ___; concerning ____
noun + に関する
about; regarding; related to
noun (person) + にかわって
instead of; replacing; on behalf of
noun + に比べて
compared to ___; in comparison to ____