LESSON 5 Flashcards
“You have been told, O man what is good and what Yahweh asks of you, simply this: to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8
2 main aspects of social ministry
social service and social action
giving direct aid to someone in need.
social service
Another name for it is charity.
social service
correcting the structures that perpetuate the need.
social action
Another name for this is Social Justice.
social action
the immediate need of food through an act of charity
social service
you would have corrected the problem which created and perpetuated the need.
social justice
4 main aspects of social justice
- solidarity
- education
- community organizing
- advocacy
Living as though other people and living things matter.
a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good…
John Paul II
We have the obligation to educate ourselves and others about social justice.
Organize the community in consolidating the efforts of giving its help to the poor.
Community Organizing
This is giving a voice to those who have no voice, that is, the poor, the sick, the unborn, the dying, the disadvantaged, those imprisoned, the homeless, the cultural minorities etc.
Goals of Social Justice and Parish Outreach
- to follow the common to love one another
- to enable everyone to enter into a relationship with Christ