LESSON 4 Flashcards
is the truth based on reasoning and critical thinking. It includes analysis and construction of
arguments. It serves as path to freedom from half-truths and deception.
General idea comes first before the specific or particular idea. Conclusion is Fact
Deductive Reasoning
This is the opposite of the deductive reasoning because idea comes first before the general idea. Conclusion may not be 100% guaranteed.
Inductive Reasoning
is a philosophy acclaiming the freedom of the individual human being. It is all about the freedom of a person. It emphasizes the importance of free individual choice, regardless of the power of other people to influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
it is the belief that to some significant degree, philosophical problems, puzzles, and errors are rooted in language and can be solved or avoided by a sound understanding of language. It is about having clear language.
is the careful inspection and description of phenomena or appearance. No references
on explaining in this method but it requires experience. It is scientific study of the essential structure of consciousness. The focus here is the experience of a person.
is the clear awareness of and understanding something
are propositions or statements which are observed to be real or truthful and contains ideas or information that are easily verifiable.
are statements that are not evidently known to be true, further examination is required to establish whether it is true or false.
in science is something observable and empirical. Therefore, it can be proven by verification and experimentation.
The process employed to determine the truth, every statement, claim evidence is
scrutinized and analyzed.
systematic doubt
A subjective belief or judgement about a particular matter. These also provide a basis for making arguments and convincing people that a certain claim is a fact.
judgement based on certain facts
statements that expresses conviction that are not easily and clearly explained by facts.
statements that assume the claim to be true and provide reasons why the statement is true.
series of statements that provide reasons to convince the reader or listener that a claim or
opinion is truthful.
Arguments often take the form of statements that are either claims or facts and are phrased in such a way that they seem reasonable. However, several arguments maybe based on faulty reasoning. This kind of arguments
are called
is a pattern of reasoning rendered invalid by a flaw in its logical structure. The source of
the error is in the form of the argument The argument itself could have true premises, but still have a false conclusion.
formal fallacy
are a type of incorrect argument in natural language, The source of the error is not
just due to the form of the argument as is the case for formal fallacies but can also be due to
their content and context.
informal fallacy
also known as attacking the person, fallacies occur when acceptance or rejection of a concept is rejected based on its source, not its merit.
ad hominem
you accept a truth on blind faith just because someone you admire said it.
appeal to authority
occurs when someone asserts a claim that must be accepted because no one else can prove otherwise.
appeal to ignorance
occurs when someone is only given two choices for possible alternatives when more than two exist.
false dilemma
Type of informal generalization assumes based on a small sample.
hasty generalization
when someone assumes a very small action will lead to extreme outcomes.
slippery slope
This fallacy occurs when someone seeks to gain acceptance by pointing out an unfortunate consequence that befalls them.
appeal to pity
fallacy occurs when a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many
people believe it to be so.
you assume about two things that are alike. Because they are alike in one respect, it is
assumed they are alike in another.
false analogy