Lesson 4 Flashcards
What is one of the essential and absolute attributes of God’s divine nature?
Since God is so set apart in his holiness, God must be opposed to what?
That God has two be opposed to all sin
List to complimentary aspects of holiness:
A. Withdrawing from something
B. Withdrawing unto something
List three parts of a human being and describes each:
A. Spirit
B. Soul or mind
C. Body
A persons mind can be renewed through what for things?
A. Through the presence of God
B. The word of God
C. Fellowship with other believers
D. Church attendance and participation
What does not destroy the law of sin but overcomes it?
The law of the Spirit
While a person can obtain salvation without understanding or immediately experiencing any areas of Christianity maturity, they cannot maintain their salvation without what?
A desire to grow in God