Lesson 15 Flashcards
What two things does Paul appeal to when he refers to holiness?
A. Culture
B. Creation
Sung teachings in the Bible need to be dug out by prayer for study of what?
The context, culture, background and language of the bible.
What was the lowest accusation of Paul’s day?
To call someone at Corinthian which meant to be sexually immoral.
Since 1 Corinthians was written to believers in every place, to whom does the instruction apply to?
To all churches in all cultures
How did the majority of men in Christ’s they wear their hair?
Short, in our Julian style.
List one verse that looks favourably on women cutting their hair:
There isn’t one.
Since the 1960s, nearly all rebellion in society has been identified with what two things?
A. Hairstyle
B. Clothing 
The examples given in 1 Corinthians 10 and 11, while specific to Corinth, teach what sort of principles?
Principles that are undeniably.
What is one of the responsibilities of spiritual leadership in the church?
To give recommendations on cultural issues.