Lesson 4 Flashcards
to move
different Dodáváme do deseti různých supermarketů.
Right now ex; Právě dodáváme poslední dvě objednavky.
Last one, final ex; Právě dodáváme poslední dvě objednavky.
“Right now we are delivering the last two orders.”
huge, massive ex; Tohle vypadá jako obrovská komoda.
“This looks like a massive chest of drawers.”
Co s tím?
“What should we do with this?”
You can objednat something in terms of products, meals etc. I.e. Objednat si jídlo “to order food,” or objednat nový koberec “to order a new carpet.”
In terms of “to commission” something, for example when making an order for something to be done, you can say práce na objednávku, “a commissioned work,” or objednat si architekta na design “to commission an architect to design” something.
The verb can also be translated as “to reserve,” i.e. objednat si stůl pro dva (“to reserve a table for two”), or objednat si knihy (“to reserve some books”). And lastly, it can be used in terms of “to make an appointment”. I.e. objednat se k holiči “to make an appointment at the barber’s,’’ or objednat se k doktoru ‘‘to make an appointment at doctor’s.
To musí být
To- means “it, this,” musí is “must, have to,” and být is a verb meaning “to be.” It can be used to introduce a guess, or to express necessity. And lastly, this phrase can also stand on its own where the meaning is “this has to be done, there is now other way.”
Some examples of use in terms of guessing that something must be something/ somebody would be to musí být naše kolo “this must be our bike” (because it certainly looks like our bike), or to musí být ztracené dítě “it must be a lost child” (because there are no parents in sight). In terms of necessity, to musí být dokonalý “it must be perfect,” to musí být přesný “it must be accurate,” and to musí být tip-top, “it must be without faults.”
Poštovní a doručovatelské služby.
Post and delivery services.
-delivers (slov.) g
dodávat co
-supply with st.