Lesson 302 Flashcards
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Enroute Operations > Altitude > Altitude Instructions > Altitudes Beyond Your Jurisdiction
Clear an aircraft to maintain only one altitude beyond your jurisdiction, unless otherwise __________ with the concerned sector or unit.
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Communication and Coordination > Flight Data Coordination > IFR Unit to IFR Unit
If a clearance will become effective within another unit’s area of responsibility, coordinate with the unit before transmission to an aircraft. If necessary, the receiving controller will inform the transferring controller of:
■ Pertinent details to be included in the clearance
■ The time period during which the clearance may be issued
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Communication and Coordination > Flight Data Coordination > Verbal Coordination Where control estimates are effected by a functioning CAATS data link, coordinate the following data verbally: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ Loss of RVSM certification due to an equipment failure in flight
■ Status of a non–RVSM aircraft authorized to operate in RVSM airspace
■ Identification of an altitude as wrong way
■ Identification of block altitudes
■ Identification of altitude readouts that are invalid or not validated
■ Identification of cruise climb altitudes
■ Automatic altitude reporting turned off
■ Aircraft transponder unserviceable, malfunctioning, set to standby, or turned off
■ The separation minima being applied in procedural airspace if less than 10 minutes longitudinal
■ Aircraft operating within an altitude reservation or engaged in an aerial survey mapping flight, or test flight
■ Aircraft engaged in a formation flight
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring > Vectoring Methods
Vector an aircraft by specifying one of the following:
■ The heading to be flown
■ The direction of the turn and the heading to be flown after completion of the turn
■ The direction of the turn and the number of degrees to turn
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring > Vectoring Initiation
If you initiate vectoring, inform the pilot of the following:
■ The purpose of vectors and/or the point to which the aircraft is being vectored.
■ If applicable, the status of the aircraft’s SID or STAR.
MATS ACC > Glossary
The lowest IFR altitude established for use in a specific airspace. Depending on the airspace concerned, the minimum IFR altitude may be a minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA), a minimum enroute altitude (MEA), a minimum sector altitude (MSA), a minimum vectoring altitude (MVA), a safe altitude 100 | NM, an area minimum altitude (AMA), a transition altitude or a missed approach altitude. The minimum IFR altitude provides obstacle clearance but may or may not be within controlled airspace.
MATS ACC > Glossary
The lowest altitude for vectoring aircraft by ATC that meets obstacle clearance and radio coverage requirements in the airspace specified.
Suffixes d’équipement du CFS
N si aucun équipement COM/NAV d’approche correspondant à la route à parcourir ne se trouve à bord ou si l’équipement est hors de fonctionnement,
S si un équipement standard de type COM/NAV/d’approche pour la route à suivre se trouve à bord et est en état de fonctionner,
R Approuvé pour la PBN (navigation fondée sur les performances)
S Équipement standard
W Approuvé pour le RVSM (minimum réduit d’espacement vertical)
X Approuvée pour le MNPS (spécifications de performances minimales de navigation)
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring
Allow aircraft operating on SIDs, STARs, and RNAV routes to conduct their own navigation to the extent possible.
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring
Before vectoring an aircraft, ensure that it can be established on the __________ without requiring _________________ while within ATS surveillance coverage.
cleared route
navigation assistance
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring
Vector an aircraft if any of following apply: ■ ■ ■ ■
■ It is necessary for separation. ⓘ
■ It is required for noise abatement procedures.
■ You or the aircraft will gain an operational advantage. ■ The pilot requests it. ⓘ PTL, RBL, and PIV functions may be used to determine that a turn has been initiated.
Look at table 1 separation from airspace - all requirement for applying 1.5miles or 3 miles or 5 miles
sur la tablette
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Position Information
Inform the pilot of the aircraft’s position when any of the following apply:
■ Identification is established by an identifying turn.
■ Vectoring is terminated, unless you know the pilot has the information.
■ The pilot requests the information.
■ You deem it necessary.
MATS ACC > Glossary
A route on which an aircraft is able to determine its position, track and, consequently, the minimum IFR altitude without the benefit of navigational assistance.
- Assigning altitudes that ensure obstacle and terrain clearance
- Correcting for cold temperature if using 100NM Safe Altitude or Minimum Sector Altitude outside an MVA.