lesson 3 vocab Flashcards
behavioral segmentation
a form of marketing segmentation that divides people into different groups who have specific behavioral patterns in common.
- to evaluate or check something by comparison with a standard.
Brand Butler
taking customer-centricity to new heights. Brand butlers transform interactions with customers into basically assisting them in their daily lives rather than just broadcasting the brand to them.
an activity whereby someone acquires or otherwise assumes the online identity of another entity for the purposes of acquiring that person’s or business’ brand equity.
Demographic Segmentation
it divides the market into smaller categories based on demographic factors such as age, gender, and income. Instead of reaching an entire market , a brand uses this method to focus resources into a defined group within that market.
Elevator Pitch
a brief persuasive sales pitch. It is a speech that is meant to spark interest in what your organization does.
Geographic Segmentation
it divides your audience based on the region they live or work in.
the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others.
it refers to the place that a band occupies in the minds of the customers and how it is distinguished from the other products of the competitors and different from the concept of brand awareness
Profile Placeholder
a person or thing that occupies the position or place of another person place or thing.
Psychographic Segmentation
- it divides the market on the basis of psychology, personality of people, characteristics, lifestyle, attitudes and so on. It helps identify people based on the way they think and the lifestyle they want.
Return on Engagement (ROE)
the payback you may expect on your investment in connecting through new media outlets.
Share of Conversation
a measure of the market your brand owns compared to your competitors. It measures your brand visibility and how much you dominate the conversation in your industry.
Social media Audit
a series of steps taken to evaluate and optimize a business’s social media profiles and strategies.
SWOT Analysis
- a study undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as its external opportunities and threats.