Lesson 3: Types of Major Literary Genres Flashcards
In this type of story, the author has created a magical world where anything is possible. It may include magical beings, talking animals, or other impossibilities
Stories with fictional characters and events in a historical setting. The story takes the reader back to a particular time period where they learn about the everyday life of a person. The character may interact with actual historical characters, but usually, the main character is not based on a real person
Historical Fiction
Stories based on real or imagined inventions, space travel, or life in other worlds, usually set in the future. It often explores the unknown
Science Fiction
_____ is fiction in which events evoke a feeling of fright in both the characters and the reader. _____ is fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or unraveling the secrets.
Horror and Mystery
Stories that could actually happen in real life. The setting is realistic. The characters speak and act like real people. The story describes real-life problems and events
Realistic Fiction
A short story, usually with animal characters, that teaches a lesson about what is important in life
Story told generation to generation, usually by word of mouth. Sometimes different versions in different cultures. Original storyteller is unknown. Can involve animals, wishes, magic, trickery, and often the number 3
Folk Tale
Early people’s way to explain the universe. Many gods and goddesses are present here. The gods, goddesses, and heroes are super human in nature. Human emotions are experienced by the gods. Magic is often present in myths. Gods sometimes appear in disguised form
A story, handed down from the past that people tell as a true story but sometimes the details are difficult to confirm. The person telling the story usually does not claim to be an eyewitness to the events, but heard it from someone who knowns someone who heard it from someone who was really there. It often contains a moral/lesson and are told to uphold the values of the community. They often involve supernatural or religious elements
Three E’s in Tall Tale
Extraordinary Person, Exaggeration, Explanation
the main character is better at things than an ordinary person
Extraordinary Person
makes something greater or bigger than it really should be
explains how something came to be
Often begins with “Once upon a time” or “Long, long ago…”. Includes magic or something enchanted, setting is often a forest or a castle, includes a good character and a bad/evil character. Involves a problem that is solved and the good people live happily ever after
Fairy Tales
Accounts of real people, places, and events
A true story about a person’s life or parts of his/her life. Written in 3rd person point of view (he or she).
Books that people write about their own life. Written in 1st person point of view (I, me, my)
Texts that provide facts about a variety of topics (sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, geography, space, weather, etc.)
Informational Writing
A short piece of writing about a particular subject. Usually shows the author’s point of view
A formal address or discourse delivered to an audience
A short piece of writing about a particular subject. Usually shows the author’s point of view
A book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences
A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person