an abstraction of object or activity, called an entity. It produces a
graphical presentation of a concept or process that systems developers can analyze,
test and modify.
ENUMERATION: Four Types of Modeling
- Physical Models
- Narrative Models
- Graphical Models
- Mathematical Models
usually in the form of a formula
Mathematical Models
which can be boiled down to a summary
Narrative Models
which represent only features of interest
Physical Models
which can show the main relationships
Graphical Models
ENUMERATION: Modeling involves various techniques, including _________, ____________, and _____________
Data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, and unified modeling language diagram
One of the most popular Rapid Application Development (RAD) methods. An iterative system development process in which specifications are converted
into a work system that is constantly updated by close working experiences
between analyst and customer.
ENUMERATION: Two types of prototype
Type I Prototype , and Type II Prototype
which is the throwaway model that serves as the blueprint for
the operational system.
Type II Prototype
which eventually becomes the operational system.
Type I Prototype
ENUMERATION: Development of a Type I Prototype:
- Identify the user needs
- Develop a prototype
- Determine if the prototype is acceptable
- Use the prototype
ENUMERATION: Development of a Type II Prototype:
- Identify user needs
- Develop a prototype
- Determine if the prototype is acceptable
- Use the prototype
- Code the operational system
- Test the operational system
- Determine if the operational system is acceptable
- Use the operational system
The phrase “_____ and _____” has been used to describe
some prototyping efforts.
Quick and Dirty
also called computer aided software
CASE is a technique that uses a productivity software, called ____ _____, to
improve systems analyst’ routine work through the use of automated support in designing
and developing information systems.
CASE Tools
- Computer Display
- Analysis Tools
- Repository
- Documentation Generators
- Code Generators
ENUMERATION: Some of the examples of CASE tools are:
Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, FourGen,
System Architect, Visible Analyst, IBM’s Rational Software Architect.
CASE stands for
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering