Lesson 3: "Rights For Other Americans" Flashcards
Cesar Chavez
~Formed the UFW ~Hispanic American ~Went to 30 different schools ~Went on hunger strikes ~Brought the awareness of the dangers of pesticides to workers' health
United Farm Workers (UFW)
Committed to the goal of better pay and working conditions for migrant farm workers
Betty Friedan
~Jewish author of The Feminine Mystique
~Former leader of a women’s rights movement
~Helped found NOW
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Fought for equal educational and career opportunities for women
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Would outlaw all discrimination based on sex
Phyllis Schlafly
~Founded STOP ERA to prevent the ratification of ERA
~She believed ERA would hurt families by encouraging women to focus on careers rather than on motherhood
American Indian Movement (AIM)
Founded in 1968 to fight for Native Americans’ rights
Disabled in Action (DIA)
To make people aware of challenges facing people with disabilities