Lesson 3 - Plato Flashcards
Plato was the first ____ philosopher?
- He integrated metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics together for the first time
- He presented a coherent framework to answer the big questions of life
Who was Plato’s 3 big influences?
- ) Pythagorus
- ) Parmenides
- ) Socrates
What famous school did Plato found?
The Academy in 387 BC
What was Plato’s metaphysics?
Dualism: two distinct worlds or realms
What were the 2 worlds and what did they contain?
- ) Upper World - objects of the intellect (Forms/Ideas) - e.g. the perfect circle
- ) Lower World - objects of sense experience (material world) e.g. Imperfect circles like wheels
What is a form/idea?
eternal, unchangeable, universal essences (e.g. Redness, truth, beauty, justice, etc.)
What are the 2 types of forms? What is the highest form?
- ) Higher Forms (Truth, beauty)
- ) Lower Forms (Geometrical/Physical)
The highest form is Good
What are physical things?
Mere copies of forms (Forms are the realist things)
How are forms related to particulars?
Via participation
What is Plato’s anthropology?
Soul-Body Dualism (Soul is pre-existent, survives death)
What are the 3 parts of the soul according to Plato?
- ) The Rational (Mind/Intellect)
- ) The Spirited (Driving Force)
- ) Appetite (Desire or Instincts)
What is Plato’s epistemology?
Rationalism (knowledge comes through intellect, not the senses).
– Like Socrates skeptical of Sophists
What is Plato’s human belief?
- ) Knowlege (higher realm - intellect; universals/forms)
a. ) Dialectic - higher forms (the good)
b. ) Understanding - lower forms (geometric) - ) Opinion (lower realm - sense-experience; particulars/copies)
a. ) Belief
b. ) Imagining
How does Plato believe one comes to understand or know the forms?
Doctrine of Recollection - knowledge of the forms is innate and so learning them comes from recollection or remembrance
What was Plato’s ethics?
Virtue ethics: morality based on rational inner harmony
What were Plato’s four cardinal virtues?
wisdom, courage, temperance (balance), justice
What is the ultimate goal of the moral life?
To know the good
What was Plato’s cosmology, 4 parts?
- ) Matter - eternal, pre-existing, indeterminate stuff
- ) Forms - the eternal, immaterial patterns for the temporal material world
- ) Receptacle - unstructured space where everything takes place
- ) Demiurge - the finite craftsman
To Plato, what is the cosmos the product of?
Impersonal necessity (recalcitrance) and reason (activity of the mind)
What was Plato’s big idea?
The objects of sense experience are not the ultimate reality; they are merely imperfect copies of the perfect, paradigmatic, abstract, transcendent Forms.
What is one word to describe Plato?