Lesson 1 - Intro to Philosophy and Worldviews Flashcards
What is philosophy?
a. ) The love of wisdom
b. ) The pursuit of truth, understanding, and meaning
c. ) The critical analysis of ideas - clear thinking
d. ) The attempt to find answers to the Big Questions
What do philosophers do?
- ) Define terms
- ) Develop Arguments (both for and against)
- ) Ask meta (beyond) questions
- ) Try to explain “pre-philosophical intuitions” (common sense beliefs)
- ) Try to solve problems and resolve puzzles/paradoxes
- ) Engage in critical dialogue
- ) Identity Presuppositions
- ) Construct systems of thoughts (worldviews)
Why should seminarians study Philosophy?
- ) the pursuit of truth and knowledge
- ) importance of critical thinking
- ) the benefits of a rich “conceptual toolkit”
- ) the influence of philosophy on christian thought
- ) the need to critically engage with Non-Christian thought
What are the 3 major division of philosophy?
- ) Metaphysics - the study of reality
- ) Epistemology - the study of knowledge
- ) Ethics - the study of morality
What are some questions being asked in metaphysics?
- What is there?
- What is real?
- what kind of things are there?
- Why do things behave as they do?
- What is God?
- What am I?
What are some questions being asked in epistemology?
- What is truth?
- What is knowledge?
- What is reason and what is reasonable?
- How do we know truths?
- Can we know ____?
What are some questions being asked in ethics?
- What is (the) good?
- What is right?
- How do we determine what is right?
- What makes what’s right right?
- What should I do?
What is the study of beings?
What is the study of God?
What is the study of humanity?
What is the study of beauty?
What is a worldview?
- A complex of fundamental presuppositions: metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical
- A person’s perspective on the world
- A conceptual framework for interpreting experience
- A system of thought
What are the 3 doctrines in a Christian metaphysics?
- ) Doctrine of God
- ) Doctrine of Creation
- ) Doctrine of Man
What are the 2 parts to an epistemology of a Christian worldview?
- Revelation: both special (the word) and general (the world)
- Reason: derivative, limited, fallen, fallible, redeemable
What should be the relationship between faith and reason?
- Faith is reasonable, but submissive to revelation
What should be the relationship between philosophy and theology?
Philosophy is undergirded by theology
What are the 3 ethics of a Christian worldview?
- ) An objective moral standard: law of God
- ) An objective moral goal: glory of God
- ) An objective moral motive: love of God
What is monism?
unity is ultimate (everything is ultimately one)
What is atomism?
plurality is ultimate
What is rationalism?
- The universe is rational and unified (focus on universals over particulars)
- Exalt reason over faith (Ex. the New Atheists)
What is irrationalism?
- The universe is irrational and diverse (focus on particulars over universals)
- Exalt faith over reason (Ex. the New Agers)