lesson 3 Flashcards
脑 震 荡 nǎo zhèn dàng
症 状 zhènɡ zhuànɡ
救 护 车 jiù hù chē
担 架 dān jià
blurred / indistinct
模 糊 mó hu
lose consciousness
失 去 意 识 shī qù yì shí
晕 了 yūn le
支 持 zhī chí
aviation airline
航 空 公 司 hánɡ kōnɡ ɡōnɡ sī
主 办 方 zhǔ bàn fānɡ
fund raising
筹 集 资 金 chóu jí zī jīn
what can we do to help
我 们 可 以 帮 什 么 忙
wǒ men ké yǐ bānɡ shén me mánɡ
grow up / come of age
成 年 chénɡ nián
hit / strike / attack
打 击 dǎ jī
91.5 meters tall
91.5厘米 高
great / mighty
伟 大 wěi dà
broken down
故 障 ɡù zhànɡ
Wishing or desiring that all will be well in heaven
Chinese say that in trying to be a comfort
愿 他 在 天 堂 一 切 都 好
yuàn tā zài tiān tánɡ yì qiè dōu hǎo
报 道 bào dào
Without exception
All men in Korea at 18 years of age without exception join the army,
Cars without exception drive on the right side of the road.
一 律 yí lǜ
deadline / time limit / allotted time
The allotted time for my contact is for one year.
期 限 qī xiàn
become due / expire
exceed the time limit / overdue
make things difficult for somebody be in a dilemma / difficulties from both ends I have a bit of a dilemma. Don’t make things difficult for me. I feel very awkward.
为难 两头为难 我一点儿两头为难 你别为难我 我很为难
No choice but to accept something
(Because of you) I have no choice.
拿 sb/sth 没办法
come to terms compromise
妥 协 tuo3xie
as soon as possible as early as possible to the best of one’s ability to do ones utmost We can move as soon as possible. We will leave as early as possible. I will do it to the best of my ability. In dealing with children you should try your best to be patient.
尽快 尽早 尽可能 + adj 尽量 + adj 我们会尽快搬走的。 我们尽早出发。 我尽可能作好。 对孩子你要尽量耐心一点。
Be completely satisfied
Please eat until you are completely satisfied.
尽量 + v
right now) on hand
Have a lot of work on hand, have ones hands full.
手头 shou3tou2
Be short of money
At present I have very little money on hand. / I am short of money.
最 近 我 的 手 头 很 紧
轮椅 lun2yi3
power operated / electric
电动 dian4dong4
brittle bone disease / osteoporosis
骨质疏松 gu3shi4shu1song1
transform / reform
改造 gai4zao4
fell down
摔下来 shuai1xia4lai
turn around
转回去 zhuan3hui2qu4
high context (literal translation) speaking of people that beat around the bush!
高 语境 gao1 yu3jing4
low context (literal translation) speaking of people who are direct!
低 语境 di1 yu3jing4