Lesson 3&4 Flashcards
During this stage the mandible is bigger than the maxilla
During fetal life
In what week during the fetal life, the maxilla overlaps the madible?
8th week
In what week ( during the fetal life) the upper is equal to the lower jaws
11th week
During the fetal life, in what week does the mandibular growth lags behind maxilla?
13th & 20 week
True or false
At birth. the mandible tends to be retrognathic relative to the maxilla
Underdeveloped; with tooth buds
Alveolar bone
large; projects over the condyle
Coronoid process
minimal develooment
short/ low/wide
Main sites of postnatal growth of mandible
- condylar cartilage
• 2. posterior border of rami
• 3. alveolar ridges
What month or year:
symphyseal cartilage Is replaced by bone
4 months-1 year
What month or year:
growth is selective
4 months - 1 year
What year?
appositional growth bone remodelling
1st year
> Overall Increase in size
> Selective growth
Changes in the mandible after 1 year
downward and forward
Changes in the mandible after 1 year:
Bone deposition:
lingual surface
»> growth superiorly, posteriorly and medially
Development of the mandible according to the V principle
True or false
Growth in height is completed first
Growth in WIDTH is completed first
What is completed first up to the last?
2. Length
3. Height
Completed before adolescent growth spurt
Growth in Width
• Little change in intercanine width increase after ________.
12 years
(Growth in Width)
In Growth in Width, where is the Deposition, and resorption:
Deposition: Outer surface of the
Continues through puberty
Growth in Length of mandible
Growth in Length of mandible
age of girl:
Growth in Length of mandible
age of boys:
18-19 years
Posterior drift along ramus
Growth in Length of mandible
Growth in Height and Thickness of Mandible
alveolar process with the developing dentition and condyle
Alveolar process grows in a ______ and ______
upward, outward
Alveolar process grows in a upward and outward
Growth in Height and Thickness of Mandible
To accommodate the permanent teeth
Growth in Height and Thickness of Mandible
Peaks at puberty
Growth at the Condyle
Stops at 20 years old
Growth at the Condyle
Endochondral growth
Growth at the Condyle
Growth by expanding V principle : Outward, backward
Growth at the Condyle
lengthens vertically
Growth at the Coronoid Process
Growth at the Coronoid Process
• Lingual:
Deposition (medial, superior posterior growth)
• Buccal:
medial, superior posterior growth
Lingual (deposition)