LESSON 3 Flashcards
Taken from the latin word “valare” which means to be strong and vigorous, define as the basic fundamental belief that guides our action. We value this that importance that we believed
What are the basic Filipino values?
A good Filipino obeys God and lives according to His teachings. Filipino faith in God gives them always hope no matter how difficult their current situation is.
Faith in the Almighty God
A good Filipino recognizes the absolute value of human life and the human dignity of every person including himself.
Respect for Life
A good Filipino values orderliness. Valuing order means respecting laws and procedures.
A good Filipino values diligence and excellence in everything one does. As a worker, Filipinos are versatile, hardworking, and creative.
A good Filipino looks after the welfare of one’s family and the future generation.
Concern for the Family and Future Generations
Should always be the driving force when we want to achieve or do something
A good Filipino asserts one’s rights especially if it means being able to do the right thing.
A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with one’s fellow human beings.
A good Filipino stands up for the truth and avoids intrigue and mudslinging and values integrity in one’s life, family, work, and country.
A good Filipino gives everyone their due even if it is difficult. He does not oppress or take advantage of anyone. He is fair in all his dealings especially with the poor and powerless, not getting more than what is rightfully his
A good Filipino works with and cooperates with others
A good Filipino treats others as brothers and sisters being children of one God and one nation.
A good Filipino obeys the laws of the land and supports government programs.
Respect for the Law and Government