Lesson 3 Flashcards
But if by grace, it is no longer because of works; otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.
Romans 11:6
On Pentecost, the disciples were together when a strong wind filled the house, and tongues of fire appeared over them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in different languages. Jews from many countries in Jerusalem heard them speaking in their own languages and were amazed, asking how this could be since the speakers were Galileans.
acts 2: 1-8
official birthday of the Church. The Church elaborates on how the Holy Spirit moved the apostles to get out of their hiding place and proclaim the Good News. The same is expected of us today as members of the Church.
hus, it was the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Risen Christ, that gave birth to the first Christian community, the apostolic Church. St. Paul describes the people of this New Covenant as “a letter of Christ, . . . . written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human heart”
(2 Cor 3: 3)
This Spirit is the “Gift of God” who is Love
(cf. 1 Jn 4:8,16)
e first gift which contains all the others, and which “has been poured out into our hearts”
(Rom 5:5; cf. CCC 733).
Until today, the Holy Spirit continues to exercise three functions: to give life to, to unify, and to move the whole body
(CFC 1301).
The Greek root from which the English word “helper” comes is a combination of two Greek terms—namely, ____ (alongside) and _____(to call). He is the One whom our Lord “calls alongside” for the purpose of giving us assistance in our Christian lives.
The word grace simply means “thanks” and is sometimes translated as “free gift”
Rom 4:16
esus describes God’s love as God’s grace
luke 15
. The chapter opens with religious leaders complaining about Jesus’ eating with “tax collectors and sinners.” In reply, Jesus told three famous stories about God’s grace:
the lost sheep
lost coin
lost son
God’s grace is found in Jesus Christ, and Christ is God’s gift of mercy and compassion, for God’s salvation is based on God’s kindness in Christ: “by God’s grace he died for everyone”
(Heb 2:9)
It is no coincidence that the Bible also ends with the rich blessing, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all
(Rev 22:21)
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Book of
Isaiah (11:2
7 gifts
(wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord