Lesson 3 Flashcards
Trade dealings between nations around the world; diplomatic engagements between two or more countries.
International relations
Phenomenon where in entities cooperating across national boundaries; deep interactions between states.
Encompasses a multitude of connections and interactions that cannot be reduced to the ties between governments.
They are key drivers of global processes.
States or governments
Independent countries which govern themselves interact with other through this.
Facilitate diplomatic interactions between countries or states.
International Organizations
An international organization formed after WWII to promote international peace, security, and cooperation
United Nations
One of the task-specific agencies of UN
World Health Organization
International Labour Organization
Has its own flag and national culture, but still belongs to a state call United Kingdom.
New name for China under Mao Zedong: the mainland
People’s Republic of China
A nation which is divided into North and South
(legal concept) has four attributes: citizens, territory, government, and sovereignty
(ethnic group concept) has two attributes: people and same race.
One of the fundamental principles of modern state politics. It also refers to internal and external authority.
The sole authority within a territory capable of making and enforcing laws and policies. No individuals or groups can operate in a given national territory by ignoring the state which means that groups like churches, civil society organizations, corporations and other entities have to follow the laws of the state.
Internal Sovereignty
According to him, nation is an “imagined community”. It is limited because it does not go beyond a given “official boundary”, and because rights and responsibilities are mainly the privilege and concern of the citizens of that nation.
Benedict Anderson
Nation belonging to the state of Canada; has different laws about language (they are French-speakers and require French language competencies for their citizens).
A set of agreements to end the Thirty Year’s War between the major continental powers of Europe which provided stability for the European nations.
Treaty of Westphalia
When was Treaty of Westphalia signed?
Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804.
Napoleon Bonaparte
A comprehensive and uniform system of laws established by Napoleon, which they implemented in every country they conquered. It forbade birth privileges, encouraged freedom or religion, and promoted meritocracy in government service.
Napoleonic Code
Where Anglo and Prussian armies defeated Napoleon in 1815.
Battle of Waterloo
Alliance of “great powers” (Austria, Russia, Prussia, and United Kingdom) that sought to restore the world of monarchical, hereditary, and religious privileges of the time before the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. It sought to restore the sovereignty of the states.
Concert of Europe
Under this system, the Concert’s power and authority lasted from 1815 to 1914, at the dawn of World War 1.
Metternich System
The architect of the “Concert of Europe”. He was also the Foreign Minister of Austria; he had the most influence at the Congress of Vienna. A system was named after him.
Klemens von Metternich
Desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and people.
A perspective that seeks to transform international relations to emphasize peace, individual freedom, and prosperity, and to replicate domestic models of liberal democracy at the international level.
Liberal Internationalism
18th Century German Philosopher who imagined a form of global government.
Immanuel Kant
British philosopher and economist who coined the word “international” and advocated the creation of “international law”. He believed that objective legislators should aim to propose legislation that would create “the greatest happiness of all nations taken together”.
Jeremy Bentham
Govern the inter-state relations
International Law
19th Century Italian patriot who was the first thinker to reconcile nationalism with liberal internationalism. He was both an advocate of the unification of the various Italian-speaking mini-states and a major critic of the Metternich System.
Giuseppe Mazzini
He believed in a Republican government and proposed a system of free nations that cooperated with each other to create an international system. For him, free, independent states would be the basis of an equally free, cooperative international system. He believed that free, unified nation-states should be the basis of global cooperation.
Guiseppe Mazzini
System of government without kings, queens, and hereditary succession and in which power is held by the voters to promote the common welfare.
Republican government
One of the 20th Century’s most prominent internationalist. Like Mazzini, it saw nationalism as a prerequisite for internationalism.
Woodrow Wilson
The belief that the world’s nations had a right to a free, and sovereign government. In short, it became the most notable advocate for the creation of the League of Nations.
Principle of Self Determination
A world organization established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace. It was first proposed in 1918 by President Woodrow Wilson, and he pushed the transformation of it into a venue for conciliation and arbitration to prevent another war.
League of Nations
Award received by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919.
Noble Peace Prize
Reason why the United States was not able to join the League of Nations
Strong opposition from the Senate
Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II
Axis Powers
Alliance of United Kingdom, Holland, Belgium, United States, and France during World War II.
Allied Powers
Emphasized the need to form common international principles
Immanuel Kant
Enshrined the principles of cooperation and respect among nation-states.
Giuseppe Mazzini
Called for democracy and self-determination
Woodrow Wilson
German socialist who was one of Mazzini’s biggest critics and did not believe in nationalism. He believed that any true form of international should deliberately reject nationalism, which rooted people in domestic concerns instead of global ones.
Karl Marx
Placed a premium on economic equality. He did not divide the world into countries, but into classes.
Karl Marx
Class referred to the owners of factories, companies, and other “means of production”
Capitalist class
Class which included those who did not own the means of production, but instead, worked for the capitalists.
Proletariat class
Co-author of Karl Marx. Marx and he believed that in a socialist revolution seeking to overthrow the state and alter the economy, the proletariat “had no nation”.
Friedrich Engels
“Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains”.
Battle Cry
Was a union of European socialist and labor parties which was established in Paris in 1889.
Socialist International
Achievements of Socialist International
Labor Day and International Women’s Day
Overthrown in March 1917 and replaced by a revolutionary government led by Bolshevik Party.
Czar Nicholas II
Leader of Bolshevik Party; he founded the Comintern to spread socialist revolutions across the world.
Vladimir Lenin
Federal system of socialist republics established in 1923 in various ethnic regions of Russia; firmly controlled by Communist party; diminished nationalities protest under Bolsheviks.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Established in 1919 and served as the central body directing Communist parties all over the world. It was dissolved in 1943.
Communist International
Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party who re-established the Comintern as Cominform
Joseph Stalin
Established by Joseph Stalin to replace Cominform. It helped direct the various communist parties that had taken power in Eastern Europe.
Communist Information Bureau
Year when the Soviet Union collapsed
Year when the Socialist International re-established itself.
Other term for Communist International
A communist nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other states, that existed from 1993 to 1991. They joined the Allied Powers during WWII.
Soviet Union