Lesson 1: What is Globalization Flashcards
poor people living in these lands called _____.
Urban poor communities
Publish profiles and photos of women mainly for the benefit of American men seeking wives
Mail-order Brides
A complex phenomenon that occurs at multiple levels.
It is an uneven process that affects people differently.
During 1990, resisting the trade deals among countries facilitated and promoted by gooval organizations like the World Trade Organization.
Anti-globalization movement
He described the process of globalization as the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and across world-space.
Manfred Steger
Refers to both the creation of new social networks and the multiplication of existing connections.
An organization that is neither a part of a government nor a conventional for-profit business.
Non-Government Organization (NGO)
Refers to the expansion, stretching, and acceleration of these networks.
Steadily returned to its old role as a major trading post.
Year when the bangkok was flooded.
Company that is affecfed by flood in bangkok making some of the critical parts temporarily ceased with production.
Honda plant making
Steger notes that globalization processes do not occur merely at an objective, material level but they also involve the subjective plane of human consciousness.
Time and Space
A philosophy which regards the entire world as one giant community that should be unified politically and economically.
A widespread belief among powerful people that the global integration of economic markets is beneficial for everyone, since it spreads freedom and democracy across the world.
Represents the many processes that allow for the expansion and intensification of global connections.
As a process refers to a larger phenomenon that cannot simply be reduced to the ways in which global markets have been integrated.
Anthropologist who give the different kinds of globalization occur on multiple and intersecting dimension of integrations called scapes.
Arjun Appadurai
Multiple and intersecting dimensions of integration.
refers to the global movement of people or a cultural landscape that reveals or expresses aspects of the identity of an ethnic group
About the flow of culture.
Refers to the circulation of mechanical goods and software.
Denotes the global circulation of money.
The realm where political ideas move around.