Lesson 3 Flashcards
It central to nursing practice
AONE means
American Organization of Nursing Executives
AONE describes _________ and _______ as the core of nursing
Caring and knowledge
A universal phenomenon that influence the way we think, feel, and behave
It is a heart of a nurse’s ability to work with all patients in a respectful and therapeutic way
She described the essence of nursing practice as CARING after listening to staff nurses’ stories and analyzing their meanings
Patricia Benner
This helps you to provide patient-centered care
Who’s theory is Transcultural Caring
Madeleine Leininger
She stresses the importance of nurse’s understanding cultural caring behaviour
Madeleine Leininger
Who’s theory is Transpersonal Caring
Jean watson
According to _____, caring becomes almost spiritual
Jean watson
Jean Watson places _____ before _____
Care before cure
She emphasizes the nurse patient relationship
Jean watson
Who made the theory of caring?
Kristen Swanson
She defines caring as a nurturing way of relating to an individual
Kristen Swanson