Lesson 27 Flashcards
What are the afaal naaqisah known as?
The afaal naaqisah are known as afaal naaqisah.
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What do afaal naaqisah do when they enter upon jumlah ismiyyah?
Afaal naaqisah give the mubtada a raf’ and the khabar a nasb. The mubtada is known as their ism, and the khabar is known as their khabar.
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What rules of quantity and gender apply to the ism and khabar of afaal naqisah?
The rules of quantity (wahid, tathniyah, jam’) and gender (masculine and feminine) that apply to mubtada and khabar also apply to the ism and khabar of the afaal naqisah.
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Can the khabar of afaal naqisah come before their ism?
Yes, the khabar of afaal naqisah can come before their ism.
If the khabar does not begin with maa, then the khabar can also come before the fil naaqis.
What happens if there is an ism present after the fil naaqis?
If there is an ism present after the fil naaqis which is capable of becoming its ism, then it will be the ism. Otherwise, the dameer present within the fil will become the ism.
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