Lesson 26 Flashcards
What is Laa nafi Jins?
Laa nafi Jins negates the hukm of all the individuals included in a thing.
How does Laa nafi Jins enter upon jumlah ismiyyah?
After entering upon the jumlah, Mubtada is known as its ism and khabar is known as its khabar.
What is the case of the khabar of Laa nafi Jins?
The khabar of laa nafi jins is always marfoo’, and its ism has three cases: it will be mudaaf, it will be mushaabah mudaat, it will be Mufrad and nakirah. In the first two cases, it will be mansoob, in the third case, it will be Mabni alal fath.
What must match in terms of gender and quantity if the khabar of Laa nafi Jins is mufrad?
If the khabar of laa nafi jins is mufrad, it must match the ism in terms of gender (masculine and feminine) and quantity (wähid, tathniyah, jam’).
What is necessary if the khabar of Laa nafi Jins is a jumlah?
If the khabar of laa nafi jins is a jumlah, it is necessary to have a dameer that matches the ism.
What can the khabar of Laa nafi Jins also be?
The khabar of laa nafi jins can also be Jaar majroor.