Lesson 23 Flashcards
n. analogy
adj. alike in some way
syn. similar to
The action of light waves is analogous to the action of sound waves.
The analogy between the behavior of the bacteria in the lab and in the human body is not clear.
adv. almost correct; not exact
syn. around
adj. approximate
v. approximate
n. approximation
There are approximately 500 billion galaxies in the universe.
The results of this study approximate those of a previous study.
v. to make something happen by necessity or force
syn. obliged
adv. compellingly
adj. compelling
The representatives were compelled to vote in favor of the legislation despite their personal opposition to it.
The lawyer’s plea was made in a compelling manner.
v. to collect
syn. assemble
n. compilation
The film club asked each of its members to compile a list of his or her favorite movies.
The book is a compilation of Shakespeare’s plays.
adj. difficult; causing worry or fear
syn. overwhelming
adv. formidably
Their formidable opponents gave no sign of weakness.
The man’s voice echoed formidably throughout the hallway.
adj. the state of being inside when not desired to be there by others
syn. annoying
adv. intnisively
v. intrude
n. intrusion
n. intruder
The intrusive bacteria caused his condition to worsen.
The intrusion of the hazardous gas made it difficult to live in the house.
adj. occurring at specific, determined periods of time
syn. regularly
adj. periodical
adv. periodically
Periodic payments must be made on home loans.
Some people need periodic doses of medicine.
adj. likely to do something
syn. inclined to
Most liquids are prone to contract when frozen.
She is prone to study hard the night before her tests.
adj. correctly telling about future events
syn. predictive
adv. prophetically
v. prophesy
n. prophecy
n. prophet
His prophetic powers were investigated by a team of psychologists.
The brilliant student fulfilled his teacher’s prophecy that he would be a successful doctor.
n. the relationship of size or importance when compared to another object or person
syn. dimensions
adv. proportionally
adj. proportional
adj. proportionate
adv. proportionately
The goal of establishing a space station will take a team effort of major proportions.
The pilot’s salary is proportional to that of pilots of other airlines.
adv. willingly; easily
syn. freely
adj. ready
v. ready
n. readiness
The workers readily complained about the food in the cafeteria.
Her readiness to cooperate was an important factor in the investigation.
adv. in a trusted way
syn. dependably
adj. reliable
adj. reliant
v. rely
n. reliability
n. reliance
An appliance must perform its task reliably to be popular with consumers.
Satellite photos show the smallest details with great reliability.
adj. unwillingly
syn. hesitatingly
adj. reluctant
n. reluctance
Although not completely satisfied with the contract, the officials reluctantly agreed to sign it.
The electrician was reluctwit to estimate the cost of the repair work.
n. fame
syn. prominence
adj. renowned
This school is of great renown.
The renowned conductor made a guest appearance at the concert.
v. to restore to life or bring back into memory
syn. renew
n. revival
adj. revived
The students revived the old tradition of having a homecoming dance.
Old plays are sometimes revived by applying modem interpretations to their content.
n. a victory; a success
syn. achievement
adv. triumphantly
adj. triumphant
adj. triumphal
v. triumph
His career was characterized by one triumph after another.
He triumphed over all of his difficulties.