Lesson 22: Assyria and the Fall of the Obstinate Kingdom of Israel Flashcards
Things went from bad to worst in the ________________.
Kingdom of Israel
Prophets like __________________ were sent by God to cry out for change, but their preaching fell on deaf ears
Amos and Micah
These prophets, along with _________, warned the people of the coming destruction to be imposed by God if they did not turn from their sinful ways. Still, they did not heed the warning.
They thought that they could bribe God with their offerings as they presented to Him in various altars the best of their produce up to
the ___________________ where oblations were made.
Temple in Jerusalem
Another reason for not heeding the cries of the prophets was their confidence in their situation as the ______________________
“chosen people of God.”
They would never taste the hand of a foreign power and be annihilated, simply because they were the ______________________ the children of the promise once pronounced by God to Abraham.
“children of Jacob,”
For years, the Kingdom of Israel along with the minor kingdoms of the ancient world like its counterpart, Kingdom of Judah was paying huge taxes to ___________.
___________ was enraged and, it crushed the Kingdom of Israel.
With the death of __________________ (Tiglath-Pileser) III in 727 BCE, the Kingdom of Israel that believed in its own might revolted against Assyria again.
In 722 BCE, with the new king, __________________ V (727-722 BCE), Assyria obliterated the Kingdom of Israel. It destroyed its army.
It is the act of offering gifts non, tis often drain favors,
and in most times, the act gets unlocked.
To make ____________, one should humble himself/herself, accept the sin committed, and ask God for forgiveness.
The reasons for receiving the __________________________ are to feel the pain of sin and resolve to change one’s way and to sympathize with due reparation with those hurt by one’s actions/words.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
________, the root of sin led them to their rebellion from God and their continued abuse of the lowly
____ corrupts any person. It destroys him/her. It leads one to the
fiery death in the afterlife called “hell!.”
God sends men and women to proclaim the necessary change in us. In the Bible, they were called _______________
At present, they are known as the ___________________ who are proclaimers of change so that we may turn away from our sinful ways and return to the right path toward God.
“modern-day prophets,”