Lesson 19: Solomon, the Temple Builder Flashcards
Solomon makes ___________ queen.
When ________ had become weak because of old age, Solomon was made king.
Solomon was anointed by the ____________ and succeeded to the throne
Prophet Nathan
Another throne beside Solomon was provided for _____________, his mother.
Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him for __________.
Then a throne was set for the king’s mother, who sat at his _______ hand.
_______ had promised to build God a temple in Jerusalem.
He followed the statutes of his father, David. Yet he himself offered sacrifices on the high places.
___________________, sent emissaries to Solomon, because he heard that Solomon had been anointed king to succeed his father.
Hiram, the king of Tyre
He had always loved David.
Command to cut _______ from ___________.
- cedars
- Lebanon
The builders of Solomon and of Hiram, along with the __________, hewed and prepared the wood and stones for building the temple.
Hire servants and I will pay them each, because you know that there is no man who knows how to cut _________ like those _____________.
- woods
- Sidonians
The foundations of the temple of the Lord were laid in the month of _____.
It was completed in all particulars, exactly according to plan, … in the __________ year
Thus, it took Solomon ________ years to build it.
_________, the Queen of the Universe
The principle of _________ is the norm where the mother of the king reigns as queen.
This tradition of having the mother of the king as queen began with _____________, who made his mother, Bathsheba queen.
King Solomon
This tradition continued throughout the succeeding ____________________ as indicated by the names of the Kings’ mothers beside their names.
Kingdoms of Judah
_____________, son of Solomon, reigned in Judah.
Rehoboam was __________ years old when he became king, and he reigned ___________ years in Jerusalem, the city in which the Lord
- forty-one
- seventeen
Nowadays, they are called the _______________
mother of the king and the mother of all under the king.
“queen mother”
It is a place for worship and prayer.
Temple of God
Centuries will pass and the Child Jesus will stay in this Temple for __________ to be with His Father.
three days
After several years, Jesus will clean the Temple from _________ and those who will make it a marketplace
Our bodies are temples of the _____________.
Holy Spirit
The time we receive the ____________________, the Holy Spirit dwell in us.
Sacrament of Confirmation
We must be reminded to keep our bodies clean every time we receive the ________________ because through it Jesus comes and resides in us.
Holy Communion
We must receive the __________________________ regularly.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
We are the _______________ that build the Church.
“living stones”
Each one of us is a part of the _______________ formed to worship and praise God.
“spiritual church”
It refers to the promise or solemn agreement of God and mankind.
It is the story of God’s actions and the people’s responses over many centuries.
Salvation History
It refers to patriarchs and matriarchs, Moses and Exodus, Judges, Prophets, Kings, etc.
It refers to Jesus Christ culmination and fullness of Divine Revelation.
The meaning of “Messiah”.
“anointed one”
It is with __________ that God made another covenant, promising to “make a house” pf David’s line to rule over Israel, and that God would be with them,