Lesson 22 Flashcards
Article 2(3) UN Charter
All Members shall settle their international disputes by
peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
Article 2(4) UN Charter
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the UN.
What can discrepancy between parties be due to?
issues of law vs issues of fact
Stages of International Crisis
1) Situation
2) Conflict
3) Dispute
Types of International Disputes - are these distinct today
1) legal
2) non-legal/political controversies
No - viewed as a mixed composition
what limits are in place for the ICJ in regard to International disputes ?
limited to legal aspects
The Three General Principles for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes?
A. Obligation to resolve disputes by peaceful means (See Art.2.3 and Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations + Principle of peaceful settlement of disputes:
UNGA Res. 2625 (1970) guidance)
B . Principle of freedom of choice of the means of settlement based on the principle of sovereign equality - No hierarchy of the means + consent
C . Limit: adequacy of the means to the circumstances
and nature of the dispute
Two Means of Dispute Resolution ?
1) Non-judicial means (political or diplomatic means)
2) Judicial means
5 types of non-judicial means for solving international disputes?
1) diplomatic negotiations
2) good officers
3) mediation
4) international commission of inquiry
5) conciliation commission
2 Types of judicial means for solving international disputes?
1) courts of arbitration
2) international tribunals
What does the ICJ do?
settles disputes between states + gives advisory opinions on international legal issues
How many judges on the ICJ?
Can more than one judge of the ICJ be of the same nationality?
are decisions of the ICJ binding?
is consent important in regards to the ICJ?
4 types of contentious jurisdiction of the ICJ?
1) clauses in international treaty
2) special agreements - when the dispute already exists
3) under art. 36.2 ICJ state - optional clause (declaration by states)
4) forum prorrogatum - implicit consent deduced from the defendant’s attitude - answering questions on substantive issues
Art. 96 of the United Nations Charter
Consultative advisory jurisdiction of ICJ
Who can appear before the ICJ?
The Security Council and the General Assembly and may ask the Court on any matter
The rest of the UN bodies or specialized agencies if they are legal issues within the scope of their activities
Neither States nor international organizations can ask the Court for its opinion
The Secretary
Art. 59 of the ICJ Statute
Art. 59 of the ICJ Statute, the decision of the Court is final and without appeal, and the parties are obliged to comply with the judgment
binding on all involved parties
How does the ICJ enforce judgments?
1) they do not have a direct enforcement mechanism
2) judgments are expected to be enforced by the parties in good faith
3) the UN security council may be involved in ensuring compliance with the judgement