Lesson 20 - Cultural programme in a Spanish restaurant Flashcards
“come on”, “let’s begin”.
“let’s get out of here and go somewhere else”
¿Quieren seguirme?
Do you want to follow me? (usedes)
me apetece un vino tinto
I fancy a red wine (I’m in the mood for…)
me apetece tomar un vino tinto
I fancy having a red wine (I’m in the mood for…)
me apetece ir de compras
I fancy going shopping
me apetece cenar fuera
I fancy eating out
¿Necesitan algo más?
Do you need anything else?
necesito un vaso de agua
I need a glass of water
necesito comer
I need to eat
que aproveche
bueno provecho
enjoy your meal
no lo sé
I don’t know it
voy a beber una cerveza
I am going to drink a beer
voy a bailar con ella
I am going to dance with her
voy a cantar
I am going to sing
vas a cantar
you are going to sing
¿vas a cantar?
are you going to sing?
¿(usted) va a cantar?
are you going to sing (polite)?
¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?
Can I pay with credit card?
que tenga buen día
have a nice day (talking to one person)
que tengan buen día
have a nice day (talking to more than one person)