Lesson 2 - Using Data Flashcards
Value can’t be changed while program is running
Literal constant
Value taken literally at each use
Numeric constant
Opposite of character/string constant
Unnamed constant
No identifier associated with it
Named meme pry location that can store a value
Can hold only one value at a time
Data type
Describes the type of data that can be stored, how much memory it occupies, and what types of operations can be performed on the data.
Primitive type
Simple data type
Reference types
Hold memory addresses
Built from primitive types of data
Variable declaration
Statement that reserves a named memory location and includes
A data type that identifies the type of data that the variable will store
And identifier that is the variables name
An optional assignment operator and assigned value
A semicolon
Strongly typed language
A language in which each variable has a well defined data type that limits the operations you can perform on it
Camel casing
Beginning something with identifier and having subsequent words capitalized
Assignment operator
An assignment made when a variable is declared
Assignment made to variable after initial initialization
The order in which values are used with operators
An item that can appear on left side of value
An item that can appear on right side of value
Uninitialized variable
Declaring a variable within method but not assigning value to it
int Age;
Instead of
int Age=25;