Lesson 2 Part 2 Flashcards
Adaptive Diversification where most advanced in ciliates and intracellular parasites in Apicomplexa and Microspora
Adaptive Diversification Have adapted to a wide range of habitats and show great variation and photosynthetic abilities
Flagelatted forms
Adaptive Diversification have radiated into a wide range of environments
Have become morphologically diverse
Ameboid forms
Supergroups under fornicata
Retortamonads and Diplominads
Supergroups under rhizaria
Cercozoa, foraminifera, radiolaria
Supergroups under unikont
Amebozoa and Opisthokonta
All taxa other than unikonts with two flagella
What is under SAR
Stramenophile, Alveolata, Rhizaria
What are under excavata
Fornicata, parabasalea, heterlobosea, euglenozoa
Its clade is characterized by flattened mitochondria cristae, have one posterior flagellum on flagelatted cells
Best known unicellular taxa in opisthokonta: (2)
Microsporidians and choanoflagellates
Contains metazoan animals? Fungi and some unicellular taxa
In the group of Opisthokonta this is an intracrllular parasitic fungi
In the group of Opisthokonta, these are solitary or colonial cells that are most likely sister taxon to animals
This includes naked and testate amebas and also those with flagelatted stages in life cycle
Ameboid forms within tye group includes tye plasmodial and cellular slime molds in subgroup ____? (Give its examples)
Mycetozoa: physarum and dictyostelium
Testate amebas with lobose pseudopodia
Naked lobose amebas
Chaos carolinense
Amoeba proteus
It is an ameba that kill cells in the human cornea where spread by contact lenses when not properly disinfected
Acanthamoeba castellani
This is an ameba that invades the intestinal wall secreting enzymes that attack the intestinal lining leading to amebic dysentery
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba found in humans in their intestine ans mouth
Instestine - Entamoeba coli
Mouth - Entamoeba gingivalis
Amebas with flattened mitochondria crusta and distinct axopodia with axoneme arranged in hexagonal or triangular sets
Are centrohelida predators?
This is anmwater that is more saline than freshwater but less saline than true marine environments. Often these are transitional areas between fresh and marine waters.
Brackish water
One of the green algal lineages that have independently evolved multicellularity
What type of surface does volvox have?
What parts of volvox acts as a photosensitive receptor
These are small haploid motile cells embedded in the extracellulsr matrix and what does it forms
Photosynthestic somatic cells, spheroid body
These are sixteen large haploid nonmotile cells embedded beneath somatic cells of volvox
This volvox has a complete division of labor in its cells
Volvox carteri
Have unicellular, colonial, and multicellular green algae; includes cascular and nonvascular plants
Single celled biflagellated algae
An example of single celled biflagelatted algae of viridiplantae
Chlamydomonas sp.
Examples of colonial forms of viridiplantae
Gonium sp., Pandorina sp., Eudorina sp.
Three photosynthetic lineages of clade plante
Other term for plantae, referring to ancient primary symbiosis with cyanobacteria taht produced chloroplasts
These are marine testate amebas with intricate skeletons and axopodia to catch prey
How does radiolaria reproduce,
Binary fission, budding, sporulation
Radiolaria normally feed on algae or bacteria but some colonial species have _______
Symbootic algae
have central capsule that can be ovoid, spherical, or branches and can selerate cytoplasm into inner and outer zones
ancient group of shelled amoebas found in all oceans
slender pseudopodia extending through openings in test then branch out to form protoplasmic net to ensnare prey.
What is the term for protoplasmic net
Most tests of foraminifera are chambered and made of ______ or aggregates of silica, silt and other materials
Calcium carbonate
This phylum has no common body plan and have varied morphology
Former member of phylum cercozoa
Intracellilar parasites of invertebrates and vertebrates
Species under class coccidea thay have great medicala nd veterinary importance
A genus under coccidea that causes coccidiosis, whose symptoms include diarrhea or dysentery
A disease thay is fatal to young fowl due to intestinal parthogenesis.
Eimeria tenela
is the stage that succeeds sporogony. The sporozoites inoculated inside the host multiply asexually to form merozoites.
Parasite of cats.
Toxoplasma gondii
The zoites enclose the tissue cysts that accumulates in large number and stay ineffective for years
From what do humans does that results to obtain cysts
Eating undercooked meat
2% of cases of having toxiplasma gondii have mental retardation that resulted from ____
Congenital toxoplasmosis
Best known occidia and most important infectious disease to humans
Four species that infect humans under plasmodium
Plasmodium vivax
Plasmodium ovalae
Plasmodium malariae
Plasmodium falciparum