Lesson 2 Modern dance Flashcards
is representational movement which has been organized, integrated, and objectified for individualized expressive and communicative purposes (Lockhart and Pease 1982).
The study and practice of modern dance enable us to become aware of the communicative potential of human movement and its power to reveal even the most subtle nuances of moods, feelings, and ideas. It is nonverbal and depends largely on the use of the human body. It is considered to be the most fundamental and basic of all the arts (Lockhart and Pease 1982).
Modern Dance
was an American- born dancer and choreographer, who was a pioneer of modern contemporary dance
is known as “The Mother of Dance“
Isadora Duncan
was an American dancer and a pioneer modern dance and theatrical lighting techniques
• (born in 1862) was a burlesque “skirt” dancer experimenting with the effect that gas lighting had on her silk costumes.
Loie Fuller
was an American pioneer of modern dance, introducing eastern ideas into the art and paving the way for other women in dance. She was inspired by the Delsarte advocate Genevieve Stebbins. St. Denis was the co-founder in 1915 of the American Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts.
Ruth St. Denis
is to establish an atmosphere that is psychologically dance-oriented as well as to physiologically prepare the muscles and ligaments to function without strain
2 types of class
Axial movement & Locomotor movement
the purpose of the first division of the class is to educate the body in stationary position using axial movement.
It also helps educate the mind and body regarding appropriate forms and patterns
Axial Movements
the second division of the class is to concentrate more fully on the design and rhythm possibilities of the body through locomotion and elevation movements.
Locomotor movements include walks, falls, turns, leaps, jumps, and combination phrases.
Locomotor movement
The dancers stands with the head and the spine in alignment and the supporting foot turned out.
The spiral is a torso twist that begins in the pelvis.
The flatback is actually a series of moves but the basic movement makes a “tabletop” of the body.
Flat back
The action begins in the pelvis, and articulates up the spine as the breath is exhaled.
is an even rhythm pattern in which an alternate transfer of weight occurs from one foot to other. Walks help maintain body weight ready for immediate action
a. forward
b. backward
c. sideward (grapevine action)
Dance Walk
an even rhythm pattern in which there is an alternate transference of weight from one foot to the other.
This is s basic modern dance experience performed in an even 3⁄4 meter with each step requiring a complete change of weights. Its pattern consists of one step with a slight flexion of ankle, knee and hip
Triplet (Plie)
One foot always maintains the lead. Step forward in slight demi-plie and push off into the air, extending ankles and legs.
Uneven rhythm with counts 1 &/2 &/ with one foot maintaining the lead. It is smoother in quality that the gallop; the slide retains other of its features.
3 types of Rolls
Long roll, Forward roll & Backward roll
from a supine lying position, with arms extended overhead and feet ankles extended, revolve entire body to end in prone lying position
Long roll
starting with a kneeling position, sitting on heels, body curled forward, head turned to one side and elbows in at center of body. Make a complete body roll in the direction opposite to turned position of head to end in starting position
Forward roll
begin supine lying, arms at the sides of the body. Contract abdomen and hinge legs up and backward. Aim knees slightly to the R shoulder and turn head to left.
Backward roll