Lesson 2 - Global Hydrological Cycle - 11/9/12 Flashcards
What is happening to land that may have been previously used for farming? Where is an example of this happening?
It hot countries where water is scarce the land is being used for underground water extraction. It is happening in Western USA.
What is the term for water passing through the surface of the earth?
It is called infiltration.
Where does Ground Water occur?
It occurs in rocks that are permeable and porous.
What does the Level of the Water Table depend on?
The amount of rainfall.
What is the difference between the rain in the summer and the rain in the winter?
The rain in the summer often comes in short heavy downpours and simply runs of the land, whereas the rain that typically falls in the winter is over a prolonged period of time, and is usually less intense, so it has time ot infiltrate.
Are dry periods unusual? Are they natural?
They aren’t unusual and have been recorded many times over the past 200 years, also, they are natural but they are influenced anthropogenically.
What is the biggest use of water in the home?
The lavatory.
How much has the water table dropped in the Chilterns?
Over 30M!
Why doesn’t urbanised land allow water to infiltrate past the surface?
It is impermeable so the water simply runs off the surface instead - this is due to the materials such as concrete and commonly used stones.
Roughly what percentage of the earth’s water is fresh?
1% the rest is salt water.
Where can water be stored?
In the sea, in surface storages, in the ground, and in the atmosphere.
What has more rain; the south west, or the north west?
The North West has considerable more, there have even been proposals to bring water down to the South from the North.
What is a Rain Gauge used for?
It is used to measure Rain.
What are the two main types of soil, and what is the major difference?
Clay Soil, and Sandy soil - the major difference is the level of infiltration of water that they let through. Sandy Soils have a higher infiltration rate than Clay soil.
What are rocks that can store lots of water called?
They are called Aquifers.
What is another name for Catchment Area?
Drainage Basin.