LESSON 2 CHAPTER 2 Flashcards
the Chinese had
developed the technology for
silk paper.
they had full
length books produced using
wooden block printing.
800 CE
movable type first surfaced in the Far East
Chinese alchemist; developed a system of individual character types made from a mixture of baked clay and clue
Pi Sheng
a collection of Zen Buddhist teachings, was printed in 1377, under the Goryeo Dynasty, using movable type technology
Christian invented the
( ), a document considered as the prototype of a book.
Invented movable type machine
Johann Gutenberg
launched what could be considered the first medium truly designed for the masses.
Gutenberg printing process
was one of Gutenberg’s earliest and
most famous creations
(1455 year of initial publication)
the first book printed which was a treatise on the teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church written by Fray Juan Plasencia, an Augustinian priest who arrived with the earliest batches of the Augustinian missionaries who landed in the Archipelago.
Doctrina Christiana
the first newspaper was
reportedly produced in
the idea of a free press, independent from the
control of the government, emerged as a strong rhetoric
against authoritarian states.
the press that has the ability to conduct dialogue and argue
with the government
Adversarial Press
gave rise to the steam-
powered cylinder press, which dramatically lowered the cost
of newspapers.
Steam engine
the first daily newspaper published in the country on December 1, 1846
La Esperanza
Spanish language newspaper founded on October 11, 1848, and
closed down by official decree on February 19, 1898, after the
colonial authorities discovered that its installations were being
used to print revolutionary material
Diario De Manila (1848)
was created by law and featured not only official
government issuances but also local and international news
and among others, serialized Spanish novels
Boletin Official de Filipinas (1852)
Actively used to campaign for reforms in the Philippines published in Spain in 1889
La Solidaridad (1889)
Official revolutionary newspaper of the KKK
Published on January 18, 1896 by the Katipuneros
Ang Kalayaan
Kodak. (1888)
George Eastman
turned the use of the photographic film, (now in a strip) into a
material that can be moved in front of a lens at a constant
speed to result into several photographs.
When that strip was developed and viewed by the naked eye,
it gave the illusion of a moving object.
Thomas Edison and William Dickson
further developed the technology of film projectors. They were among the first filmmakers in history.
Lumiere Brothers
Frenchmen Louis and Augusto
where it showed
a film entitled Rough Sea at Dover by Robert Paul.(1896)
“television” was already used in a
magazine called the
Scientific American.
the first telecast of a television program took place,
transmitting from the experimental studio of
Electric in New York City.(1928)
, the Radio Corporation of
America introduced , a much improved technology
1939, US President became the first president to appear on the tube.
Franklin D.
transmitters in Bolinao, Pangasinan
(Bolinao Electronics) in 1946.
He is credited for his founding of Bolinao
Electronics Corporation, the precursor of ABS-CBN Corporation, and dubbed as the Father of Philippine Television.
James Lindenberg
together, they establish the Alto Broadcasting System where he would serve as the general manager.
Their first official telecast was in
October 23, 1953.
Antonio Quirino
transistor radio in 1948 signaled the
development of semi-conductor devices, considered the
foundation of modern electronics, as it led to the invention of, a technology that will be critical in the development of the computer.
integrated circuits (IC)
By 1953, IBM has already shipped its first electronic computers called
In 1971, the transition from
to Internet commenced
to serve more purposes other than
catering to the military.
first innovation was the as proposed by Stanford University. It is considered the standard protocol by which networks communicate.
Written three (3) fundamental technologies for the internet:
HTML - HyperText Mark Language
HTTP- HyperText Transfer Protocol
URL- Universal Resource Locator
Introduce www
created Gopher,
searched for plain text references
Mark McCahill
first graphics-
based search engine, evolved
from Gopher’s text-based
Popular search engines, such as
Yahoo ang Lycos, emerged and
presented more powerful
Google emerged, carrying with it
new features such as page ranking
to determine the authority of a
website as a carrier of information.
Refers to the entire media infrastructure
powered by internet and the www that enables multimedia interactivity and dialogue.
Social media
Is the gathering of people based upon common interests and advocacies.
Social Networking
Social media platforms invaded the digital world
First blogging sites were launched
The first social media site emerged and was called
“” Derived from a belief that all things are six or fewer
steps away from each other.
1997 - six degrees
Enhanced feature of social
networking came about with
the launch of Friendster
Similar to Friendster but had the capacity to store audio files, made it more enticing to musicians and music lovers.
(Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf)
1989 started (as physicist in the European Center for Nuclear Research(CERN))