Lesson 2 Flashcards
Grammar: to emphasize it happened very early
Example: I arrived at 11 (but the class was at 12 so I want to emphasize it’s too early)
I already arrived (early)
jiù + v + le 我十一点就到了 wǒ shíyīdiān jiù dào le 我早就已经到了 wǒ zǎo jiù yǐjing dào le
Grammar: to emphasize something happened late
才 cái + v (PAS DE LE!)
nǐ shí èr diǎn (or 很晚) shí fēn cái dào
Small money
I give you change
找(零)钱 zhǎo līng qián 找钱 找零 零钱 我给你找钱
肝 gān
La rate
脾 pí
肾 shèn
Small intestine
小肠 xiǎo cháng
Vésicule biliaire
Gal blatter
胆 dǎn
wèi 胃
Large intestine
大肠 dà cháng
膀胱 páng guāng
Triple burner
三焦 sān jiāo
fèi 肺
Expression pour sûr dire vais manger
Je vais fixer mes 5 zàng
修我的五脏庙 xīu wǒ 的 wǔ zàng miào
Kind person (using the body parts) expression
热心肠 rè xīn chàng
My intestines are good, digestion is going well
我的脾胃调和 pí wèi tiáo hé
Something very precious to me 心肝,heart and liver
心肝宝贝 xīn gān bāo bēi
Precious baby
To nap
打盹 dǎ dǔn
小憩 xiǎo qì (formal)
Take a shower
洗个淋雨 xǐ gè línyù
洗澡 xǐ zao
On the way
路上 lù shàng
谚语 yàn yù
Radical pour ce qui fait mal, maladie, etc…
疼 téng (ça fait mal au muscle, fatigué)
痛 tòng (painful)
Le radical est appelé 病字头 bìng zì toú
Something (not shiqing)
办事 bàn shì
总监 zǒng jiān
主任 zhǔ rèn (used in certain cases like for GM) 办公室主任
总部 zǒngbù
Secretary of the party
General secretary of the party