Lesson 2 Flashcards
How is the radio? New!
Jaké je to rádio? Nové
How is the student? Nice personality
Jaký je ten student? Sympatický
How is the secretary? Young
Jaká je sekretářka ? Mladá
How is the dog? How about its name? The dog is a boy? The dog is tall, big, brown and is male. It’s name
Is Bob.
Jaký je ten pes? Jak se asi jmenuje? A jaký je asi jeho pan/ paní? Ten pes je vysoký, velký a je muž . Jmenuje se boba?
How much is it?
Kolik to stojí?
Who is it? Friend
Or Boss?
Kdo to je? Kamarád nebo šéf?
What is 5 - 1 ?
Co je 5 - 1?
Whose is that yoghurt? Yours or mine?
Či je ten jogurt? Tvůj nebo můj?
Where are you from (formal)? Australia or England?
Odkud jste? Z Austrálie nebo z Anglie?
What are you doing?
Co děláš?
How is the code? Hot or cold?
Jaká je ta káva? Horka nebo studenta?
How is the tea? Strong or weak?
Jaký je ten čaj? Silný nebo slabý?
How is the car? New or old?
Jaké je to auto? Nové nebo staré?
My mum is called Mary- Anne. She is funny, cheerful, beautiful and young. But she is a little sick.
Moje maminka se jmenuje Mary- anne. Je vtipná, veselá, krásná a mlada. Ale je trochu nemocná.
My father is named Bill. He is old, strong, cheerful and healthy.
Můj tatínek se jmenuje Bill. Je starý, silný, veselý a zdravý.
My brother’s name is Matt. He is funny, short, poor and a student.
Můj bratra se jmenuje Matt. Je vtipný, malý, chudý a student.
My youngest brother is named Luke. He is healthy, tall, strong, rich and good.
Můj mladší bratra se jmenuje Luke. He is zdravy, vysoký, silný, bohatý a dobře.
She is happy. They are happy.
Ona je šťastná. Jsou je šťastný.
I have a difficult problem. That is not true. I have an easy/light problem.
Mám těžký problém. To není pravda. Mám lehký problém.