Lesson 2 Flashcards
What is a case?
A person who has clinical signs of an infection.
What is Infectious Disease Epidemiology?
It focuses on distribution, spread and control of diseases.
Name some infectious agents.
Bacteria, protozoa, viruses, and prions are some infectious agents.
What is infectious disease epidemiology used for?
Identifying causes of new diseases and infections, surveillance of disease, identifying source of outbreaks, studying routes of transmission and natural history of infection, and identifying new interventions.
What is an acute disease?
A disease in which symptoms rapidly develop and quickly runs it’s course.
What is a chronic disease?
A disease with mild symptoms that slowly develop and last a long time.
What is an asymptomatic disease?
A disease without symptoms.
What is a latent disease?
A disease that appears long after infection.
What is a communicable disease?
A disease transmitted from one host to another.
What is a contagious disease?
A communicable disease that is easily spread.
What is a noncommunicable disease?
A disease arising from outside of a host or from an opportunistic pathogen.
What is a local infection?
An infection confined to a small region of the body.
What is a systemic infection?
An infection in many systems of the body. It often travels in the blood or lymph.
What is a focal infection?
And infection that serves as a source of pathogens for infections at other sites of the body.
What is a primary infection?
And initial infection within a given patient.
What is a secondary infection?
Infections that often follow a primary infection. They are often caused by opportunistic pathogens.
What are infectious disease is caused by?
They are caused by an infectious agent.
What is the chain of infection?
Source to contact, airborne, or vector to host.
What are some direct modes of transmission?
Skin to skin contact, through breastmilk, and sneezing and coughing.
What are some indirect modes of transmission?
Food borne transmission, airborne transmission, Vectorborne transmission, and waterborne transmission.
What is the timeline of infection?
Dynamics of disease, to infection, to incubation period, to symptomatic period, to being non diseased.
What is an index case?
An index case is the first case identified.
What is a primary case?
The primary case is the case that brings the infection to the population.
What is a secondary case?
A secondary case is a person infected by a primary case.
What is a tertiary case?
Tertiary case is a person affected by secondary case.
How do you calculate the attack rate of a disease?
You calculate the attack rate by how many are ill divided by how many were exposed.
What makes up the epidemiologic triad?
Agent, Host, and environment.