LESSON 2 Flashcards
Define firearms.
Technical Definition:
An Instrument Used for the propulsion of projectile by means of the expansive force of gases coming from burning gunpowder.
Stages of Development of Man’s Weapons:
- Stones
- Clubs
- Knives
- Spears and Darts
- Silingshot
- Bows and Arrows
- Cross-bows
- Guns
- Missiles
Two General Classes of Firearms (According to the Gun Barrel Construction)
- Smooth-bore firearms- Firearms that have no rifling’s (lands and grooves) inside their gun barrel or perfectly smooth from end to end. Examples: Shotguns and muskets.
- Rifled bore-firearms. Firearms that have rifling’s (lands and grooves) inside their gun barrel. Examples: Pistols, revolvers, and rifles.
Main Types of Firearms: (According to the Caliber of Projectiles Propelled)
A. Artillery- Firearms that propel projectiles more than one inch in diameter. Examples Cannons, Mortars, Bazookas
B. Small Arms- Firearms that propel projectile less than one (1) inch in diameter. This type of weapon can be handled, moved and operated by one man. Examples: Pistols, revolvers, rifle, muskel, carbine, shotguns, machine guns.
A large heavy, piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.
a short smoothbore gun for firing shells (technically called bombs) at high angles.
is a shoulder type rocket launcher adopted by the U.S. army in World War II. These weapon consisted of a smooth-bore steel tube, originally about five (5) feet long (1.5 meters), open at both ends and equipped with a hand grip, a shoulder rest, a trigger mechanism, and sights
A short hand arm designed to fire a single projectile through a rifle-bore for every press of the trigger. It is usually appled to semi-automatic loading. This is a very reliable weapon with satisfactory stopping power for short range defense
A hand firearm equipped with rotating cylinder, serving magazine, successively places a cartridge into position for firing
means any weapon designed or intended to be operated from the shoulder and uses the energy of the explosives in fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each pill of the trigger (Federal Firearms Act of US) This type of shoulder arm designed for targets at a longer distance. The bore of a riffe has a number of helical grooves cut spirally inside the surface of the bore from treech end to muzzle end
It is an ancient smooth-bore and muzzle loading Military shoulder arm designed to fire a single round lead ball. (US Tech. Manual on Firearms) This weapon usually has a long for stock and arranged to hold a bayonet at the muzzle end
A short barrel rifle with its barrel measuring not longer than 22 inches. It fires a single projectile through a riffed-bore, ether semi-automatic or full automatic, for every press of the trigger. This is the type of weapon originally designed for the convenient use of cavalrymen or troops on horseback
Maker of the first known Carbine.
David “Carbine” Williams
A smooth bore and breech loading shoulder arm designed to fire a number of lead pellets or shots in one charge (FBI Technical Manual). This is the type of weapon that the army, prison authorities, banking institutions and industrial firm are using for guard duty and special training purposes.
Shot guns
means any weapon which shoots or is designed to shoot automatically or semi-automatically, more than one shoot without manual reloading by a single pull of the trigger
Machine gun