Lesson 2 Flashcards
Operating System
Programs Working with Data to Provide Access to Physical Hardware
Provides Core Services of the OS
Information is Stored and Transmitted on
Physical Hardware
Windows Architecture’s Two Main Components
Kernel Mode & User Mode
Kernel Mode is the Same as
Supervisor Mode
Hardware Abstraction Layer
Windows Kernel Mode Components
Kernel Mode Drivers, Microkernel, Executive, and HAL
Access Control
The Process of Providing and Denying Access
The Authentication System
Collects Information and Authentication Credentials
Strongest Authentication
Multifactor Authentication
What You Know
Personal Information, Passwords
What You Have
Token, Smart Card
What You Are
Fingerprint, Retina
Security Identifier
Security Access Token
Define what a User can do to an Object. (Read, Write, Delete)
Access Control List
Objects are also known as
User Rights
Actions a User is Permitted to Carry Out
Work Groups
Peer-to-Peer Networks that allow Windows Computers to Share Resources
Active Directory
Users and Groups are Defined and Shared across multiple Computers
A Group of PCs that can be Grouped together for Some Purpose
Attack Surface
The Total Collection of Vulnerabilities a System has