Lesson 2 Flashcards
BA Main Guidelines.
BA Main guidelines can form part of a safe system of work. Which one of the following statements is correct when considering their use and application?
o Used when more than 2 BA crews are committed to an incident.
o Used where no other suitable means exist for tracing the way out of a risk area, such as when hose lines are submerged or tangled, or premises layout is complex.👈 👈
o Used when more than 2 EDBA crews are committed to an incident.
o Used when EDBA and SDBA crews are committed to the same incident.
Small fire in shed in council allotment. Single HR extinguished. 60 year old male light smoke inhalation.
What kind of stop?
Full Stop as fire has resulted in an fire related injury.
When you using Branch Guidelines, how far can a branch guideline be extended?
Branch Guidelines must not be extended.
Composite cylinders are predominantly used……
For Domestic purposes such as BBQs and heaters.
The Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 gives Fire and Rescue personnel certain powers of entry…..
They may do this where they reasonably believe that a fire has broken out.
In relation to the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, which one of the following statements is correct?
In relation to the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, which one of the following statements is correct?
o Fire and rescue service personnel may close a road.
o Fire and rescue service personnel may regulate the traffic.
o Fire and rescue service personnel may restrict access to a property or location.
o All of the statements are correct.👈
Emergency Workers (Obstruction) Act 2006 legislation makes it an offence to:…..
Obstruct or Hinder FFs or Officers from carrying out their duties whilst taking steps to protect property at a fire.
Displaying and instilling confidence is a skill…..
Personnel will respond positively to a confident leader, which will improve the team performance.
Demonstrating and fostering trust is an effective incident command skill. Which of the following statement(s) is / are correct?
o An incident commander needs to lead people in challenging and potentially dangerous circumstances.
o Trust between the incident commander and the crews they lead is essential.
o An incident commander should consider the impact that the characteristics of the incident and the tasks that need to be carried out have on crews and members of the public.
o All the statements are correct in relation to effective command skills.👈
With regard to setting expectations and standards, personnel and crews look to the incident commander to provide vision. Which one of the following statements are correct?
o It is important for the incident commander to make clear what they expect in terms of standards, role, and outcomes.
In relation to operational team effectiveness, which of the following statement(s) is / are correct?
o An essential skill for effective incident command is the ability to command and control teams of people.
o Understanding team dynamics is essential to get the best out of individuals and teams.
o Team dynamics is about how people affect each other, how this affects the team, and how the team reacts to the incident.
o All the statements are correct in relation to operational team effectiveness.👈
Which of the following hazards may apply to firefighting in basements?
o Metabolic heat stress due to high physical workload on firefighters.
o Fire growth within the compartment, giving rise to flashover conditions or backdraught as a consequence of limited ventilation.
o Uncontrolled ventilation occurring in other parts of the building influencing fire behaviour in the basement. (Such as structural collapse or breaking of pavement lights).
o All the statements are correct.👈
With Regard to flammable liquid, FLASHPOINT is…
The lowest temperature at which a flame can propagate within the vapour vapour above the liquid.
Flammable Liquids…. FIRE POINT is ….
A higher temperature than flashpoint, the temperature at which the vapour continues to burn after being ignited.
At electricity incidents, LFB electrical gloves will provide adequate protection in circumstances where….
The Voltage is know to be 3300V or fewer.
When attending Electric incident (generators and distribution) crews must not pass…..
Warning signs or gain access into areas which have warning signs until the responsible or authorised persons are in attendance.
DRA involves the continuous assessment and control of risk in rapidly changing circumstances of an ops incident.
The overall responsibility for this process remains with …….
….the IC; however, every firefighter has the responsibility and the authority to take immediate action in the interest of safety.
The definition of Hazard is….
Something with the potential to cause harm.
The definition of RISK is ….
A measure of the likelihood that the harm from a particular hazard will occur, taking to account the possible severity of the harm.
With Regard to the Monitoring Officer, they should……
Provide support and guidance to the incident commander.
What must the first message sent to Brigade Control include in terms of risk assessment at the incident?
A Tactical Mode.