Lesson 1 Flashcards
General Principle of Informative Messages….
Within 20 mins , or as soon as possible after 1st assistance message.
Sprinkler and Drenchers- what circumstance should Main Stop be closed?
As soon as IC is satisfied the operated heads can be dispensed with.
Running call to person locked out. No life threatening or risk of fire exists. What are your actions?
Advise caller of alternative actions. E.g trade directory for locksmith or contact police for 24hr locksmith availability.
When should an ICP be established at incidents?
As soon as possible when more than one pumping appliance is in attendance.
Recipients of orders should clearly understand them. What is system for confirmation?
Recipient should repeat back the order.
IC at Basement job. At what point should Basement Procedure implemented be sent?
BA crew committed with 45mm (min) Support crew protecting egress with 45mm (min).
How long should LPG be cooled if directly involved in fire?
Until it reaches ambient temperature.
Lift Incident- when is it acceptable to enter lift shaft?
Where there is an immediate threat of loss of life, or serious life threatening injury
Mobilisation- Four Categories of Incident Response
Min number of personnel sent to Bridgeheads….
One LFF as Fire Sector Commander
Two FFs as BA Crew
One FF as Entry Control Officer.
You are IC at a compartment fire. When would you allow use of HR instead of 45mm?
Where the use of HR or Extinguisher is suitable and sufficient, or where it is known the fire is small and readily accessible, with no indicators of a larger fire developing.
Asbestos- minimum Hazard Zone is….
25 metres
Tactical Modes- when fire or rescue ops are in identified Hazard Zone……
Tactical Mode Oscar (Offensive)
Incident with aggressive Dogs, actions?
Send Priority to request Police to attend and to contact key holder or provide a dog handler.
Level 1 Water Operations- if at all, when can FF enter water?
FF can enter water to point where structural PPE is not compromised and no danger of being swept off their feet.
Incident at Electrical Sub Station- unconscious casualty requires rescue without use of ladder. Min safe approach distance is…..
5 Metres.
When should crew members in rear of appliance wear seat belts?
When attending or returning from ops incidents, or when in vehicle for non op purposes, ie, all times it is moving.
Wet Riser - How much water for how long?
1500 litres per min for 45 minutes. Minimum requirement.
Bridgehead positioning at High Rise Inc?
Two Floors below the fire floor, in a firefighting lobby.
‘The immediate and controlled withdrawal of all personnel from the scene of operations to a place of safety’
An Emergency Evacuation.
Acetylene cylinders- when can hazard zone be reduced?
As soon as it is safe to do so and the cylinder has passed the Cylinder Acceptance Procedure (CAP)