LESSON 2 Flashcards
prefaces the study by providing a summary of the main idea and is usually short and concise.
A research title
states the area of concern of the research paper whether it is a circumstance needing development, a difficulty requiring attention, or an inquiry necessitating an answer.
research problem
The repetition of a prior research study in a different setting and time is called ____
. – This refers to the practical value of the problem due to its “newness” in the field of inquiry.
– This refers to the people with the desired capability and willingness to participate in the study. The sample of the study participants must be representative enough to ensure reliability and validity of the results.
Availability of subjects
– This refers to the assistance given by the members of the institution, like the principal, teachers, staff, students, and the parents, in the gathering of data and defraying the cost of the study. Permission of those concerned for the participation in the study of staff members, children, the aged, and the mentally challenged should be secured.
Support of the academic community
Devices such as computers, and telephones used in undertaking the study must be considered
Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment
These constitute the researcher’s knowledge and expertise as result of experience and study.
Experience, training, and qualifications of the researcher –
– These are essential attitudes that bring anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment in the completion of research tasks.
b. Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity, and perceptiveness of the researcher
This considers the fact that studies must be pursued within a given time frame.
Time Factor
These factors matter in choosing a research problem. Research is an expensive undertaking. The amount of funding needed, after all, depends on the size of the sample, the place where the research is to be conducted, the treatment of data, and the kind of research design.
Costs and returns –
e– These depend upon the researcher’s physical and intellectual capacity and moral judgments.
Hazards, penalties, and handicaps
This project aims to better understand young people’s experiences in the gig economy.
Theoretical Research Aims and Objectives
is determined primarily by the selection of variables that the research study will focus on.
The scope of the study
refers to any characteristic that can have different values or traits that may vary across research participants.