lesson 18: To be good/poor at ... Flashcards
to do well; to be good at
to do poorly; to be bad at
노래를 잘하다
to be good at singing; to sing well
요리를 못하다
to be poor at cooking; to cook poorly
잘 못하다
cannot do well / unable to do well
수영을 잘하다
to be good at swimming
수영을 못하다
to be bad at swimming
to make a mistake
잘 달리다
to run well, to be good at running
잘 쓰다
to write well, to be good at writing
글을 잘 쓰다
to write well
written text
글씨를 잘 쓰다
to be good at handwriting
writing / letters
달리기를 잘하다
to be good at running
저는 노래를 잘 못해요.
I can’t sing well.
제 친구는 수영을 잘해요.
My friend is good at swimming.
저는 퍼즐을 잘 풀어요.
l am good at solving puzzles.
저는 글씨를 잘 못 써요.
My handwriting is not good.
저는 글을 잘 못 써요.
I’m not good at writing.
매운 거 잘 먹어요?
Are you good at eating spicy food?
경은 씨는 요리 잘해요?
Are you a good cook, Kyeong-eun?
저도 잘 못해요.
I am not good at it either.