lesson 1: Future Tense Flashcards
내일 갈 거예요
I’m going to go tomorrow
갈 거예요.
I’m going to go. / I will go.
지금 갈 거예요.
I am going to go (there) now.
혼자 갈 거예요.
I am going to go alone.
할 거예요.
I am going to do (it). / I will do (it).
뭐 할 거예요?
What are you going to do?
언제 할 거예요?
When are you going to do (it)?
이거 언제 할 거예요?
When are you going to do this?
이거 정말 할 거예요?
Are you really going to do it?
to wear
입을 거예요.
I am going to wear (it). / I will wear (it).
청바지 입을 거예요.
I am going to wear blue jeans.
뭐 입을 거예요?
What are you going to wear?
티셔츠 입을 거예요.
I am going to wear a t-shirt.
치마 입을 거예요.
I am going to wear a skirt.
to meet
만날 거예요.
I am going to meet (them/that person). / I will meet (them/that person).
누구 만날 거예요?
Who are you going to meet?
어디에서 만날 거예요?
Where are you going to meet?
언제 만날 거예요?
When are you going to meet?
to sell
팔 거예요.
I am going to sell (it). / I will sell (it).
뭐 팔 거예요?
What are you going to sell?
어디에서 팔 거예요?
Where are you going to sell it?
얼마에 팔 거예요?
At what price are you going to sell it?
밥 언제 먹을 거예요?
When are you going to eat?
지금 먹을 거예요.
I am going to eat now.
어디에서 먹을 거예요?
Where are you going to eat?
밖에 나가서 먹을 거예요.
I am going to go out to eat.
언제 점심 먹을 거예요? / 점심 언제 먹을 거예요?
When are you going to eat lunch?