Lesson 18 Flashcards
Innate (adj.)
Syn: natural; intrinsic; inborn
- His innate cunning allowed him to see through the spy’s subterfuge.
Abortive (adj.)
Syn: fruitless; useless; failing; barren
- The diverse made an abortive attempt to rescue dog from the murky waters.
Modify (vt.)
Syn: to change; adjust; reduce
- Because Phil refused to modify his philosophy, the directors were forced to invalidate his appointment.
Spontaneous (adj.)
Syn: without preparation; unrehearsed
My English teacher admonished me: I realize that the speech was to be spontaneous, but it was not supposed to be incoherent or fraught with fallacious statements.’
Accommodate (vt.) (vi.)
Syn: to make fit; adjust to; adopt; modify
- A quarrel was precipitated when the dietician refused to accommodate patient’s special needs.
Under the wire (idiom.)
Just in time
- He finally submitted the paper under the wire.
Crave (vt.)
Syn: to desire; want; yearn for
- Why did Silas Marner crave wealth and practice cupidity.
Myriad (n.) (adj.)
Syn: countless number; millions; thousands
- Once the hoax had been concocted, a myriad of problems arose.
Irrelevant (adj.)
Syn: not related to the subject; inapplicable; unrelated
- The defendant was alleged to have been an army deserter, but the judge said that was irrelevant to the case.
Urbane (adj.)
Syn: polished; witty; polite
By embellishing her work with urbane humor, the sophisticated playwright succeeded on Broadway.
Veneer (n.) (vt.)
Syn: thin covering; surface; mask
- The lieutenant confessed to a veneer of ignorance in order to properly evaluate his corporal’s resourcefulness.
To be at large (idiom.)
Syn: not confined or in jail
- Since the dangers criminal was at large, all the townspeople began to buy dogs for protection.
Deem (vt.)
Syn: believe; to judge
- Whom do you deem to be the bulwark of Republican Party.
Buff (n.)
Syn: a fan; follower; admirer
- The fireman did not have to cajole the enthusiastic buff into helping them extinguish the blaze.
Romp (n.) (vi.)
Syn: to move in a lively manner
- When the intercity competition began, our team was supposed to romp over our hapless rivals.