Lesson 16 Flashcards
Cursory (adj.)
Syn: hasty; not thorough
- Sherlock Holmes took a cursory glance at the cryptic message and decoded it instantly.
Indigenous (adj.)
Syn: native; aboriginal; home-grown
- The forest was replete with the kind of wild life that is indigenous to Africa.
Interloper (n.)
Syn: An unauthorized person; intruder
- Electric eyes, watchdogs and other nuances were there to keep out an interloper.
Habitat (n.)
Syn: natural environment
- The alcoholic was found supine in his favorite habitat-Ryan’s Bar.
Gregarious (adj)
Syn: sociable; chummy
- At the party the gregarious hostess scurried from group to group, making friends and influencing people.
In a bee line (idiom.)
Syn: taking the straightest, shortest route
- When the couple left, the babysitter made a bee line for the refrigerator.
Prolific (adj.)
Syn: producing abundantly; fertile
- The usually prolific novelist was frustrated by her failure to come up with a good plot.
Antithesis (n.)
Syn: exact opposite; contrast
- Len, the gregarious twin was the antithesis of Lon, the reticent one.
Sedentary (adj.)
Syn: largely inactive; accustomed to sitting;
- The typist shook of the fetters of her sedentary life and joined a mountain climbing expedition.
Frugal (adj.)
Syn: thrifty; economical
- Frugal shoppers occasionally badger supermarket managers for bargains.
Bulwark (n.)
Syn: protection; shelter; cover; barrier; support
- Some feel that the United States should be a bulwark to inchoate democracies around the world.
The world, the flesh, and the devil (idiom.)
Syn: temptations that cause man to sin
- By entering the monastery he sought to avoid the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Cache (n.)
Syn: secret hiding place
- Through a fortuitous remark, the cache of the art thieves was discovered.
Cupidity (n.)
Syn: greed; voracity; eagerness
- We warned him that his reprehensible cupidity would eventuate in a loss of all friends.
Altruistic (adj.)
Syn: unselfish; humanitarian
- The good hearted doctor went into the jungle purely for altruistic reasons.