Lesson 15 - Outdoors Part 1 Flashcards
Umur saya tiga puluh satu tahun, tahun ni
I am thirty one years old, this year
Hari ni saya nak panjat bukit
Today I’m going to climb a hill
Saya suka pelbagai jenis aktiviti lasak
I like all sorts of outdoor activities
Very beautiful
Bunga Raya
Bunga kebangsaan negara Malaysia
Malaysia’s National flower
Nampak macam lambat, tapi laju
Looks slow but is actually fast
Nasib baik banyak tangga, kalau tak susah juga nak panjat
Good thing there are many stairs, or climbing would’ve been difficult
Termengah-mengah juga lah
I was out of breath
Kenapa suka sangat ni?
Why are you so happy?
Sebab pagi
Because it’s morning
Kita hampir sampai ke puncak
We are almost at the top
Saya pakai baju lengan panjang warna putih macam ni, walau pun Malaysia ni negara yang sangat panas
I’m wearing a long-sleeved white colored top, even though Malaysia is a very hot country
Sebab nyamuk suka gigit saya
Because mosquitoes like to bite me
Kalau saya tak tutup lengan macam ni, memang kena makan hidup-hidup
If I don’t cover my arms like this, I will get eaten alive
Jom pergi naik atas
Let’s go to the top