Lesson 13 Flashcards
bude čoskoro
will soon
v inej škole
at another school
existuje súkromná jazyková škola
there is a private language school
na druhej strane
on the other side
špecializujú sa na výučbu
they specialize in teaching
školu navštevujú cudzinci z celého svete
foreigners from all over the world attend the school
je práve teraz
is being
je obsluhovaný
is being serviced
sa spracováva
is being processed
všimli ste si
have you noticed
bol si ( tam )
have you been ( there )
niečo vyše 10 rokov
just over ten years
pred tým
before that
máte nějaké skúsenosti
have you got any experience
píše sa tu že žiješ v Coventry už 25 rokov
it is written here that you have been living in coventry for 25 years
každý druhý rok
every other year
moja škola hostí študentov z iných krajín
my school hosts exchange students from other countries
ďašia vec
another thing
iný deň
another day
another time
uchitili sa celkom dobre
they have caught on quite well
they have caught
veľmi tvrdo študovali
they have been studying very hard
pozorne som skúmala
I have been carefully examining
presvedčil si ma
you have convinced me
že si na tu pozíciu presne ten pravý muž
that you are exactly the right man for the position
myslíš to vážne
do you mean it
myslíš to vážne ?
do you mean this ?
nemôžem sa dočkať
can not wait
veľmi sa teším
really looking forward to
po celom svete
all over the world
before that
vôbec nie
not at all
daj mi vedieť
let me know
vezmi moju ponuku
take me offer
volaj to
call it
na splnenie akejkoľvek sumy
to meet any amount
zvýšenie platu
pay rise
byť zamestnancom
to be an employee
z tvojho platu
of your salary
pracoval som
I have been working
pre nasledujúci pondelok
For the following Monday
nemeškal som
i have not been late
dobrý zamestnanec
good employee
spravil som
I have done
ty si bol
you have been
čo si sa mi snažil povedať ?
what have you been trying tell me ?
pozeral som
I have been looking
pravdepodobne ste už počuli
you have probably heard
zmeniť svoj názor
change your mind
Po celom svete
All over the world
Pred tým
Before that
Presný, správny
Curriculum vitae
Ob rok
Every other year
Prehliadnuť, skúmať